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As I mentioned before. In a world where zombies rule and decide over your life, there are either the scared ones or the simply crazy ones.

If you thought the man with the axe who casually played with a walker on the ground who's legs are cut off, was Park Jimin, you were wrong.

It was Jungkook.
He learned from his late lover. Learned how to survive and kill in order to stay alive. Jimins axe was his most prized possession, so it never let his side.

The memories wouldn't let him.

Besides, he knew his lover was watching him from above.. or maybe from hell, he wasn't sure either. Jungkook wants to make sure, where ever his lover is right now that he gets a good show of Jungkook flexing his muscle, kill those nasty zombies and make this shit show his own play ground.

Just as Jimin did. Just as he would want to Jungkook do.

"Leave Frank alone and come. Yoongi is waiting in the car." Taehyung scolds the other, clearly running low on his patience after waiting for the other to finally move his ass.

"I guess our time is over, Frankie. Good-bye and rest in peace, bud." Jungkook smiles at the walker on the ground before stabbing his head, finally giving him mercy of this hell.

Down on the main street the other two are waiting for him. Where they are going is not clear. There is no location. No goal. The only thing all of them knew was to finally let go. Of memories, of the apartment, of Jimin.

Jungkook was finally ready to start a new again. Don't get him wrong. The loss of his boyfriend still hurt him, but from day to day it is getting more and more bearable.

There are no nightmares anymore. No sorrow and no hatred filled impulses to destroy and get the anger out of his body anymore.

Sometimes Jimin would cross his mind and a single tear would escape his eye, but a smile would follow right after.

Jungkook was grateful he met the smaller. He was grateful for what Jimin made him feel and what they experienced together. Nothing could ever change that.

"Let's go bros from another ho-" Jungkook smiled wide to the annoyed looks of the others.
"Don't you dare end that sentence, kid." Yoongi growled at him and Jungkook shut up.

Rule three: Don't mess with a pissed off Yoongi.

And so the journey to god knows where finally started. The fresh summer breeze hitting Jungkooks face made him take a deep breathe and smile.

"You good there?" Taehyung sits his butt on the edge of the cars window, turning his gaze to Jungkook who was laying on the jeeps trunk.

"Couldn't be better." He smiles.

It was true. Jungkook feels good after months of trying to heal. Trying to get back on his feet and thanks to his friends, he was able to do so.

And thanks to them he never had to fear to forget his lover. Jungkook was scared to forget any detail of Jimin. His looks, his scent, his voice, his laugh and giggle, his pout..

Because Yoongi and Taehyung made sure to keep the youngest somehow still alive even when he was in a grave, those three arranged.

Back in the undergrounds Taehyung loved to cam record his friends and he never left it behind. Jungkook watched and listened to Jimins voice for hours, drinking in his face when he laughed or pouted, finally seeing the way Jimin looked at him when Jungkook didn't pay attention.

Yoongi on the other hand loved to take polaroids and he gave every single one of Jimin to Jungkook.

Rule two: Never lose hope.
Rule one: Never forget Jimin.

And Jungkook lives by those simple rules until he will take his final breath on this earth.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now