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The news of a new virus, spreading like a wild fire, wasn't taken that seriously in the beginning.

Deadly? Yes, but many people also survived it. It depended on their health and age.

People knew it would take a while until VIR-Z would be under control. So they stayed in their homes, just like the government wanted them to. The ones going outside had to wear masks to protect themselves and others.

That's all. We all thought a mask and patience would be enough. Washing our hands and making sure to keep our distance would at some point keep the virus away from us.

Well, jokes on us. No one thought that VIR-Z would mutate, would become stronger and more resistant. Not to mention that the death rate of the mutation would sky rock to a scary 89%.

What made all of us hold our breathes, was when the first walking dead was seen. The first who feed his hunger by eating the living. Infecting others by biting, scratching the skin until blood is flowing out of the wound, burying their claws into the human body.

The military tried their best to kill the rotten beasts, yet the amount of new infected and therefore more monsters never seemed to go down. "Highly infectious, rate 100%" was what was told  to us.

In a matter of days the world seemed to completely stop. All the screams, pleads for help, gun shots, grunts, the panic in the air.. It all stopped. Everything went silent.

The sight of living and breathing creatures became rare. No one dared to go outside. Barricading their homes, darkening up their windows, making as less sound as possible in fear they would sense their beating hearts. Fear they would suffer a painful death and become a monster too.

They lived in constant stress, not only for their lives, but also the stress of having less and less food in their homes. Yet, going outside and literally walking into the devils claws wasn't in their plans. Rather starve than die painfully.

Still, within the scared human beings where also the.. well, the different ones. The ones who aren't afraid to die. The ones who have nothing to lose. The optimistic ones who rather make this fucked up reality to their own play ground. Refusing to let the walking deaths win, refusing to submit to fear.

The crazy ones.

Never would have someone guessed that the shy and introverted kid would be bold enough to casually leave his apartment, an axe in his right hand, leaning on his shoulder, smiling and wishing the rotten and stinky beasts laying on the ground a good afternoon. Their legs cleanly cut off and god knows where.

"I know you are hungry, cutie. Here. Bite." The brunette holds his hand out, close to the beasts hungry mouth. Just as it wanted to bite into the delicious smelling flesh, the man took his hand away and laughed.
"Pathetic clown." The smile never leaving his face.

The man sighs, stands up straight and let his eyes linger over the destruction those monsters caused. His beautiful home town was now nothing but a war zone. The anger that build up in the pit of his guts made him clench his jaw.

"Fucking zombies." He chuckled before he turned around, walking down the hall of the apartment complex which is decorated with blood on the walls and corpses on the ground. It's a mess really.

He already could hear the grunts of the zombies, walking their way to the smell of the living. Fear? Not in his vocabulary. He smiled wildly, wanting to talk to them as if they could understand him before the brunette would split their skulls in half.

The sight of the bloody and rotten creature making it's way to him, with milky eyes starring at him and mouth salivating, made him grin.
He spread his arms as if he was about to welcome someone.
"How was your day, darling?" He giggles and swings his axe casually in his hand.

As I said.. The crazy ones.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now