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Jungkooks P.O.V.

"I can't believe this midget left. Who am I going to annoy now?" Taehyung whined while we are sitting in the trunk of a Jeep. The others chuckle about his silly nature. I would too, but now my sullen mood wouldn't allow me that.

"He didn't even say good bye. What a loser." Pouted Hobi. He and Jimin spend a lot of time together too. Both being crackheads and fast to crack a joke, of course they did get along pretty fast.

I know Hoseok didn't mean his last sentence to be offending. It was normal for them to throw names at each other as fun, yet it stings me in the wrong way and I grit my teeth.

"Don't call him that." I warn Hoseok with narrowed eyes. To be on edge, angry and disappointed, but sorrow and sullen because Jimin choose to be on his own, lying that he would come to Busan and that we are a team, is understandable in my situation, no?

Hobi looked at me with wide eyes, not expecting me to talk to him that way, but I couldn't hold myself back. It made me clench my fists when they would lose a bad word about Jimin, even if they don't mean it. I don't want to hear it, nor his name.

And for gods sake, I hate how their eyes held pity in them when they looked at me. Like I'm deeply hurt that this walking tiny asshole choose to stay in Seoul, alone, left to rott at some point, die like other people did and eventually turn into a monster.

I'm not! I'm not hurt! Jimin was a friend I barely knew. His company was only comforting, his smile only brought peace and warmth into this cold world, his laugh and giggles only caught my ear like a melody and his small body relaxing when I held him only gave me safety! Jimin was only a friend! Nothing more. So why would I be butt hurt over him?

It's okay that he left. It's okay that he lied and damn it's fucking okay that he is not here right now!

"Jungkook.." Yoongi brought me back out of the turmoil in my mind and without him saying anything, he takes the side of my head gently in his hand and leans it on his shoulder, while I didn't even notice that tears were leaving my eyes until I sob out quietly.

"I'm worried, Hyung." I mumble while the older tries his best to comfort me.

"I know, but have trust in him. That little guy is strong and knows how to survive. He will be okay." Yoongi calmed my raging thoughts down with his unusual gentleness.

Not that I dislike him, it was just rare to see Yoongi being caring. He's more of the introverted type to the outside but once you get on his 'good-kid' list, he gives the best advices and knows what to say to keep someone's chaotic emotions at bay.

And so the ride went on. The others in easy-going conversations, happy to return to Busan, laughing and bickering. I didn't even notice when I started to listen to them and throw my opinions in the round too.

The pitying eyes turning into fond ones. The cautious voices turning into sassy ones. The air lifted and becoming breathable again. Worry replaced by laughter. Fear replaced by excitement. Disappointment replaced by.. still disappointment, but a little less now.

So the hours went away until I saw Busans skyline slowly appearing over the horizon and a new wave of hope comes crashing down on me.

I would be finally able to search for the people I love, I missed and worried about for weeks and months to no end. I would find my family and hopefully my friends. I would give them the longest hug I could give each of them a hug and tell them how much I love them because my stupid self didn't did that before everything went to hell.

I smile widely, excited and jumping on my spot. I'm home again!

"Kooks, sit down before you fall out!" Seokjin yells from the drivers seat and I instantly get on my butt again.

"Sorry Hyung!" and I continue on giggling and being over joyed.

"What a hyper bunny." Namjoon chuckles, shaking his head while looking at me fondly.

I didn't knew why I felt alone when he wasn't with me, why I felt like I was in the middle of a crowd of strangers. At least it doesn't make sense now. The guys I met in Seoul are as friendly, kind and unique as he is.

They are new found friends and after getting comfortable around them, I finally realize that I wouldn't be alone in Busan. They would be there to keep me company, to help me on my search just as I will help them with no matter what.

"HEY!" I yell into the group after a thought crossed my mind, making everyone jump in their seats and looking startled at me.

"You lost the bet, Namjoon!" I point at him with a big smile. To which he only rolls his eyes.

"What bet?" Hoseok asks confused.
"He said that Taehyung and J..Jimin would become a couple. He lost. Where is my iron man figure old man?" I tease him with a smirk.

"Who are you calling old man?!" Namjoon throws his body on top of mine, takes my head into a headlock and ruffles my hair playfully. Laughing with the others while having a content atmosphere around us.

It didn't take longer than half an hour until all the cars came to a stop in front of a gate. Once everyone was inside and the gates closed again, everyone got out of the vehicles to stretch their legs and arms.

The place was big, Jeeps and cars neatly parked on the sides and big building in the center. This is not what I imagined but it already feels safe.

His smile crossed my mind when he asked me the same question as we were about to leave my apartment. It feels less terrifying now, but just as nerve wrecking.

With my bag around my shoulder I follow the others who walk into the building and now I understand why people say "Don't judge a book by it's cover".
There were many elevators in a row, at least ten on the front side. Another ten in the back. It looks cozy in here. Plants, couches, tables and chairs and a check-in service?

"You are new, so you will have to get checked-in before you can go to the undergrounds." Seokjin answers my unspoken thoughts, smiles at me and motions to follow him.

The lady behind the desk wears a welcoming smile on her face, giving out a sense of normality, as if inside those walls the apocalypse doesn't exist.

"Mr. Kim." She slightly bows.
"This is Jeon Jungkook, new. He's on the list." And Seokjin shows her the list he made earlier to which she nods and takes the paper. "Make sure to have their ID's ready by tomorrow."

"Of course, Sir. Mr. Jeon?" Her eyes wander to mine and I smile at her. "Please stand in front of this wall, so I can take a picture for your ID." She introduces me, but feeling nervous and out of place I look helplessly at Jin, who nods assuringly.

After she takes the picture, she makes a check on the list behind my name and again looks at me with that effortlessly smile. Her cheeks must hurt..

"Welcome to the underground, Mr. Jeon. Please enjoy your stay." I thank her with a small bow before Taehyung grabs me by my shirt and drags me to the elevator.

"Why do we always have to wait for you so long? For a bunny you are pretty slow!" Ah here we go again. The bickering.

Once in the elevator I notice that there are five floors. Labeled from '1', '2', '3' to 'Storage' to 'Laboratory'.

"Laboratory?" I confusedly mumble. Why do they have that here? Do they want to grow artificial meat or something?

"Oh yeah. We have scientists here who are working hard on finding a cure for the virus." Namjoon answers me.

To that my eyes widen in hope.
"And? Are they successful?"

"Not quite yet. They make progress but it's still a long way to go until we have a cure. For now they found a way to stimulate the walkers hunger for brains. It works temporarily, for ten to twenty minutes."

This sounds interesting and I would love to know more about it, but Namjoon again answers my thoughts.

"You will get to know them once you get settled in and take a good rest." He smiles at me with his dimples on full display and I can't keep my excitement hidden.

This place is awesome already and I can't wait to explore it, see my room and fool around with the others. This is were my new life starts with safety and no walkers to run away from.

Still, something felt missing.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now