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Where as normal children had the privilege to freely roam around the playgrounds, gardens, play with their friends and enjoy their times, there was one child who's life never even started.

Born into a family of curious minds, working for higher-ups, the boss of your boss and their boss. The ones who control the country and it's safety. The ones hungry for power and money.

This child was born with one purpose in its life and even that was decided by them.

Jimin never saw the outside world. Never saw other children. Never knew there was anything beyond these white walls, machines, syringes and those people who always smiled at him, always talked him through the seizures after they injected him with another doze of their test vaccines. They always told him how good he did, that he was such a strong little man, how proud they were.

Jimin never knew that this life was not what every child had to endure until they will be set free. This is what they always told him.

"You will be free one day, little man. Just a bit longer. Fighting!" And they wiped his tears away when the pain in his body would subside down. Never failing that genuine smile.

Who can blame him? The boy was born and hidden from the outside, from the curious eyes. Created in a laboratory, the first embryo ever which grew in an artificial uterus, feed through tubes, injected with multiple substances.

Test object #136: Successful.

He was a strong one, resident to anything that was injected into his system, desperately wanting to live, to stay alive, fighting the antidotes and toxins as if they were nothing on his undeveloped body.

The scientists hold his naked little body in their hands, eyes sparkling and hearts full of joy. Finally a success.

Park Jimin was born to be a living test object for every bio-weapon that shall be created. His small body never knew something different but pain and aches.

Still, he was told that he is the most important human on this earth and that the world is evil, so he had to keep him hidden. They only wanted to keep him safe.

Besides this cruelty, Jimin knew the love of his parents. They always made sure their son was okay and his body never too overstrained and exhausted.

His mother would always read him a good-night story and tickle him. His father always there to cuddle him when the smaller was in pain and begging for it to stop, weeping with big tears falling out his puffy and red eyes.

The little boy was allowed to walk around those white walls the older he got. Flat screens showing an image of the outside world, a live-video from the cameras, and Jimin wanted to feel the grass under his feet, wanted to feel the suns warmth on his skin, wanted to smell the air. Yet, all he ever felt were the cold tiles of the floor, the warmth of a blanked or arms and smell the stinging scent of disinfectant.

"Mama!" The little boy would shout full of excitement when ever he saw the most beautiful woman in his small world, run to her and hop into her arms.

"My baby." She would boop his button nose and make the toddler giggle, burying his face into his mothers neck.

And she would carry him around in her arms, while continuing her tasks. Showing Jimin the many utensils and making his doe eyes even wider with every new name he learned.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now