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Jimin's P.O.V. [mature content]

"Where are we going?" I mumble once the harsh air attacks my hair again.
"Your home." Jungkook smiles, also not wearing a helmet. "The undergrounds are destroyed, the Parks don't need your blood anymore and that means you are free to go." He explains and I slowly process his words.

I'm free to go.. No more labs, no more needles, no more being caged? But that also means that Jungkook won't be by my side.. He will go back to the others.

"No, go back!" I yell, suddenly feeling anxious. I can't lose him too. I'm too used in having Jungkook around that I wouldn't know how to function without him. For god sake, I can't even sleep in peace if he isn't holding me!

"What do you mean? You wanted to be free and now you are! What is holding you back?" Jungkooks asks me in disbelief, kind of confused to my reaction which is completely understandable. And in my still sleep dazed state mixed with my anxiety sky rocking, I didn't really put much mind into the words I am saying.

"You!" I shout with a fast beating heart, body trembling maybe in fear, maybe in anger, maybe my nerves. I can't tell. Nonetheless my words made Jungkook stop the motorcycle abruptly, his wide eyes looking into mine, mouth agape as if he's searching for words.

"W-what did you just say?" He breathes out and I close my eyes, gathering my courage.
"Hyung.. I don't want to be separate from you. I.. I got used to having you around."

It's the first time ever I talk to him about what I feel for him, about us really. Not even after he took my virginity we talked about our 'relationship' status. Life went on like that, but I don't want hide whatever this is I feel for the older anymore.

"Who says we will be not together?" He questions me and made me look into his eyes once again, holding an emotion I couldn't quite pin point.

"Didn't I say we are a team? Didn't I told you that you are mine? Where ever you go, I will be there. Right by your side." He inches our noses closes, his hot breathe against my parted lips.

I could feel my heart doing jumps, my gut blooming in that familiar feeling of excitement, affection.
"You will stay with me?" I mumble, holding his eye contact which lets me see the adoration in them.

And before any word could be said, Jungkook presses his lips onto mine, kissing me passionately yet so gentle as if I was fragile. A clear 'yes' to my question.

"Do you like me that much, Park Jimin?" He rasps against my lips, turning the tables with a teasing smirk.
"Oh shut up." I chuckle before he starts to drive again towards my apartment.

And somehow, in a world where dead follows you with every step you take, with danger in every corner and human civilization is almost extinct.. It all felt normal again.

As if the zombies didn't destroyed everything. As if a world without them never existed in the first place.

Somehow.. Jungkook made this world feel bearable. Almost grateful to all the pain I ever had to endure, in the end I met him which would have never happened if the apocalypse didn't broke out.

He has this natural shine in him that makes you forget. That makes you feel as if you are safe. Welcomed. Appreciated. Loved even.

Jungkook is soft. Gentle. No matter with who, but with me?.. I love to know that his hands only caress my skin. I love that his whispers of praise and affection when we are behind closed door are only for me.

I love how he looks at me with his almost black eyes, never leaving this glint of fascination or adoration. Not even when I ran away.. He still had this undefinable glint in his eyes.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now