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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Dear lord..
I never believed in you and I think for that you are punishing me. I was wrong. So wrong.
I never should have doubted your existence.
Why else would you PAIR ME WITH A PSYCHOPATH?! Look at him! Killing zombies like it's nothing! He looks like he has the time of his life! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!

"Jungkook look!" Aww hell nah! What kind of blood bath killing method will this little midget show me now?!
"Behind you, dumb ass!" Hn?

I turn around and-
I want to cry. What kind of human being is he? This is not real. This can't be real. Why is he like this? This makes no sense! How can a human being be this numb to death?!

The midget is currently holding a walkers wrists while twirling around and humming a song. He's dancing with the devil. Literally!

My mouth falls open. Name it shock. Confusion. Whatever. But I refuse to believe my own eyes at this moment.

"Kill it." He says without a ounce of empathy in his voice, yet he still sounds light and bubbly.

Crazy mother of a truck..
"I don't know if that's a good idea." I let my thought out while hesitantly going closer to the little monster. And no, I didn't mean the walker with that.

"It's okay. I have him safe in my hands. You can just bring the axe down on its pretty head." He tries to reason with me, sounding confident in hopes I will get more comfortable.

I hate that it works.

"What if I accidentally hit you?" Voicing out my concerns to Jimin seems to be the only way to not make me kill.

"You won't. I trust you." He smiles and turns the zombies back to me.
Damn I really don't think I can do that. My hands are shaking.. I don't want to kill!

"Uhm.. Jungkook? The walker is kinda getting stronger.." Jimin giggles, yet he sounds nervous.

"Jungkook? Please.. I.. I can't hold it- fuck! Jungkook!" Now he sounds desperate. Yet I still can't find the strength to move my arms. The fear inside me has me paralyzed.

He needs me! What are you doing! Help him!
But only when Jimin let's out a shrink with his desperate pleads for me to help him, his body falls hard to the ground with the walker on top of him, struggling to keep it away, do I realize the situation.

My mind suddenly feels calm, no nerves, no fear left. Yet, anger was what I felt. Anger and worry, because no matter how psychopathic Jimin seems, I won't let him die.

My body moves on autopilot as I grab the walker by its hair, throwing it off of Jimin in one go to the side and kicking it away from smaller.

I don't think when my shoe made impact with it's head, making it grunt. I surely didn't think when I split that beasts head open, bringing the axe down on it over and over again until there was nothing left but blood and mashed brains.

I breathe hard, panting, still not thinking. Still not processing what I just did. At least Jimin is safe.

Oh god Jimin!

I immediately turn around to make sure he is okay, just to see him looking proudly at me. Not even shaken that a zombie was about to kill him.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now