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Jimin's P.O.V.

It took me every bit of energy to open my eyes fully, getting my senses slowly back and feeling my limbs again.

The wind is blowing through my hair, the hand on the back of my head holding me in place, an arm wrapped around my waist. There was only one person that holds me like this and it's Jungkook.

Still not quite realizing what is going on, I nuzzle my nose into his neck, breathing in his calming scent of detergent and a hint of orange.

"What happened, Kookie?" I whisper, closing my eyes, still feeling weak and tired, drowsy.

"You fell asleep, Jiminie." I heard the slight tremble in his voice, the under swelling nervousness, but I couldn't muster the energy to question it. It was too comfortable in his arms, almost as if they are inviting me to go back to sleep again.

"Is he awake?" I hear a gentle voice from behind me which oddly sounds like Taehyung, but that couldn't be because Jungkook and I are alone in my home.

Am I hallucinating? Why would I imagine Taehyungs voice now?
But curiosity kills the cat.

I wanted to turn around to see if my mind was only playing with me or Tae was really here now too, but before I could Jungkooks grip on my head hardened, not letting me move even an inch.

"It's okay. Just sleep." Now he sounded almost panicked, yet trying to keep his voice calm and gentle.

What is going on? Why is he suddenly behaving so weird?

That's when I hear the wind rushing away, a car's tires, the birds singing. I can feel that I'm moving, bumping up and down, feel the sun on my skin burning. And I can smell gasoline, nature..

I was outside and moving. Jungkook holding me and desperately trying to make me go back to sleep.

He found me earlier. God was he angry at me, but we made up and then everything went black because.. Because he..

"Let me go." I say in complete shock. This is not happening. This is not real! He isn't bringing back there. I am not on my way to Busan right now!

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I scream and break free of his arms, immediately crawling away from him, panic taking over my whole system as I look around.

I'm in a Jeep, Seoul behind me, Busan the next destination.

"No.." I whisper, tears blurring my eyes. "No! Stop the car!" I shout and look at them. Namjoon looks shocked to my outburst, Taehyungs eyes are filled with worry, where as Jungkook can't even look at me, biting his lip and clenching his fists.

"Kookie.. please." I crawl back to him, holding his hands while I beg for his mercy. "P-please.. Don't do this to me." I sob out. No answer.

The sudden fear twirling up in my stomach, the realization that I will end up in that laboratory again, the pain that will come, the seizures.. I can't breathe!

I can't breathe! And I hold my neck, desperately trying to get oxygen into my lungs, while I choke on sobs and cries, but my throat only tightens up more.

My heart feels as if it is about to jump out of my body, the haunting memories flying in my mind, screaming and attacking me, warning me of what is about to happen.

I claw on my neck, trying to get that invisible string around it to loosen up, but to no avail and the only thing I could do was to scream and bang my fists against the metal beneath me.

I didn't notice when two strong arms picked me up, desperately trying to hold me and make my body stop fighting against its own, talking to me in hopes I would calm down, but ones I see Jungkooks face it is as if something in my mind switched.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now