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Jimin's P.O.V.

This Taehyung guy, no matter how handsome he is, he's getting on my bad side really quick. Usually I don't lose my control fast and always stay composed, but he?! He is a walking trigger!

Even though we are wrestling on the ground, my hands pulling his hair while he just tickles me, Taehyung won't stop teasing me.

It's all fun and games to him. To be honest, for me too. No matter how much I act like his teasing effects me, deep down I have a good time myself. Didn't felt this entertained for a long time.

He grabs my wrists and turns my back to the ground, Taehyung on top of me, his body between my legs. Looks sexual, feels sexual.

Don't blush, Jimin! Don't blush! This is only a position, nothing more. Damn he looks hot from this view.. And this smirk? I might go weak..

He takes both my hands into his, pressing them above my head, while his free hand wraps around my throat, pushing down on my air pipe.

I gasp out, having trouble to breathe and try to wiggle my way out of this. Yet, to no use.

"I could kill you right now for ruining my hair, you minion." He glares at me, voice dripping venom where as his smirk never leaves his face.

"L-learn.. how to c-choke some..one.. properly.. first!" I grunt out, before wrapping my legs around his waist, push my hips up and make him lose his balance and grip on me.

I push him to the side, turn away and cough out. My throat feels dry and my lungs on fire, dizzy from the lack of oxygen.

Deep breathes Jimin, take deep breathes. You know how this works. Calm down, it's over. Just take deep breathes.

Calming myself down and getting my heart rate back to a steady pace was the only task I could concentrate on.

I didn't even felt when Jungkook kneeled down beside me, laying a smooth hand on my back, rubbing circles.

Only when a hand of his starts to brush the hair on my face gently away, I open my eyes and look at his worried expression.

Asshole, could've helped!
"Don't." I grumble and try to get on my feet.

Namjoon is yelling at Taehyung, who looks like a sad puppy, silently taking his scolding. Good. This bitch deserves it.

"Guys." Jungkooks voiced out, but no one paid attention. Namjoon too immersed in putting Taehyung in place and me enjoying it.

"Guys!" Again he tries, this time sounding scared. That's not a good sign and I immediately turn to him.

His eyes are locked to the herd of zombies making their way.. directly to us. Jungkook himself is trembling and looks paralyzed.

"Namjoon, Taehyung! Zombies!" I yell out to them, finally getting their attention.

Their eyes widen too at the herd, but there is no sign of fear. At least I don't have to waste a thought of worry for them. They kill. They are used to killing.

My only worry is Jungkook who yet has to get a grip on himself.
"Jungkook." I grab him by his wrist, but he is unmoving.

The Z's are coming closer. God damn!
"Kook!" I grab his cheeks into my hands, making him look at me and me only. His eyes reflect just how much he is terrified at this moment.

"We have to run. Nothing will happen to you. Promise. Okay?" I softly smile at him, trying to keep my voice steady and assuring. He can't know that I myself am pretty much worried for my own ass. It would discourage him.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now