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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Everywhere. They are everywhere. Grunts and growls. It won't stop!
I clutch my ears, trying to make those horrible sounds go away.

It's too much! I can't do this! Silence, I need silence! Please, I want this to end!

Why isn't Jimin here by now? He said he would be right behind me? Where is he?

Namjoon is talking into a walky-talky, seemingly stressed out with the situation too.

Taehyung and Jimin must be still down there, but why? The way was clear. Why aren't they both here now?!

I can't calm my pounding heart and this terrible feeling in my guts. Something is wrong. Something is so damn wrong.

That's when Namjoon walks to me, looking at me with stern eyes as if he is about to lecture me.

"Listen kid. We have no time for you to bitch around. If my friend dies because you can't keep your shit together, I will make you regret even staying alive." He grits his teeth, before again talking into his device.

He's right.. he's completely right and it annoys me! I could have fought with them. Could have warned them sooner if I wouldn't have been in shock. Letting fear once again control me.

Namjoons back is turned to me and the only thought in my mind is to go and look for Jimin.

As cruel as it sounds. His partner is not mine. Therefore saving the man who saved me is my main priority.

I grab the axe on the floor, the butcher knife still in my other hand. Wait.. But if both weapons are here then..
Jimin doesn't have a weapon!

And that's enough worry to blend out my fear. Shutting down every hesitation in my mind, driven by the only thought of helping this little midget. He can't die, not now, not ever.

Without thinking about the consequences, I get on the ladder and start to climb down and that's when I see what takes them so long..

This is a death end. For both of them. The herd found us and they are infront of at least 100 zombies.

I want to go up again, be safe. I want to leave them behind. There would be no hope for rescue for them. Going down would be my safe ticket to hell too.

But when I see Jimins tear stained face for a split second, still smiling and saying something to Taehyung.. That's when I realized, Jimin would do anything to keep others safe. He would do anything to let other people feel welcome. He is here to protect.

He has nothing to lose..

I jump down the rest if the ladder, run towards them as I, between all those growls and grunts, here his sobs that felt worse than a stab in the chest.

I couldn't hear what he said, but once I saw him pushing Taehyung behind him, a bloody knife falling off his hand, I knew what was happening and I only screamed.

"NO!" I push my way to Jimin, grabbing his shirt and pulling him into my chest while at the same time stab one walker by the other.

Taehyung was right back at my side, also he seems exhausted and could barely stand, he fought.

I dared to look down to Jimin, still tightly pressed against my chest, his face resting on my shoulder. He fainted?

"Not the right time to sleep." I shake my head with a small smile.

"Is he okay?" Namjoon asks once he reaches us too, immediately getting ready and helping to fight the herd off.

Jimin is drenched in blood. It's hard to tell if it's his own or of the walkers. I can't see any bite marks and I hope there are none. Still, I can't give a clear answer to the question.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now