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Jimin's P.O.V.

Over the time I got used to the loneliness again. It was as if I never met them in the first place. I honestly don't know if that was good or not, but knowing that I was safe was by far more important.

Moving away from my apartment was harder than I thought. Finding a place to stay was a bigger challenge than expected, but once I found one which doors were safe enough to stay closed when a Zombie would body slam it, I settled there. It's not far away from the pond I shower and that alone was a bonus point to stay there.

The real challenge was moving my stuff. I couldn't just ask the friendly walkers to help me, no? So my days consisted of packing bags in, walking ten minutes to the new apartment, packing bags out and repeat until I had everything moved that was important.

It took me at least a week and another week to clean around and organize my stuff. Not going to lie, moving felt refreshing somehow.

As if I was starting a new life.
In a zombie apocalypse.
Now, who's doing it like me? Park Jimin is a different breed. Period.

And so my life went on as it was usually. Going outside, playing with walkers before killing them, finding food and drinkable water, still on my search for fucking hair die. Like come on! I didn't find one pack in this whole god damn big city!

But I am not known to giving up easily and it paid off. Because once I entered a small shop on the far end of Seoul, I finally saw those holy packs!

"This is not real!" I squeak excitedly while looking at the many hair colors.
The grunt behind me made me pull my attention back to my surroundings again and I let out a groan.

"Not now, asshole! Don't ruin the moment." I yell at the walker close to me and stab the blade of my sword between his eyes.

I should have probably looked around the shop for zombies first, but hey! I found hair dye!

I open my backpack, took whatever color my hands grabbed and throw them in it. I finally had something to do in the evening besides breathing. And sleeping. And thinking about this tall guy with his stupid bunny smi- Anyway.

I carefully walk out the shop, not wanting to create more attention and make my way back home. Which will take me a long time considering I went from A of Seoul to basically Z.

Stupid, I know, but I would do it again. Life gets boring if you always do the same, with no one to talk and the only source of entertainment is by talking to zombies and make them chase you like your playing catch with them.

On my way back I notice black shiny Jeeps which weren't there when I walked to the shop. That means someone is driving them. Well, now waiting for something or.. someone.

And that's when I remember. Those Jeeps look damn familiar with the ones of the safe zone, the people from Busan.

Why are they here? Again? They completely raided Seoul of almost any food and useful stuff. Last time I checked they said that no one was there to rescue anymore, so they would move to Busan soon.

Which would mean that they are here for one person and one person only. Me.
Now, the chance that they work with them together is low, but again, I'm sure they are alive and on the search for me.

I feel the familiar panic in my body spreading, dangerously and slowly wanting to take my mind over, but I couldn't let that happen. I had to stay calm and find a way home without them finding me.

Luck, of course who would have expected different, is again not on my side. Why else would just right in this moment a herd of zombies walk up from behind me? It wasn't a big herd. I guess around 20, but they will become more once a meal is found and once attention is brought.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now