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Jungkook's P.O.V.

There wasn't really much time to think about anything, rather than keeping the people here calm and make them move to the outside.

With all the hectic chaos going on I at some point lost Jimin in the crowd. To say I felt uneasy is an understatement. It gives me Seoul safe zone flashbacks and I don't like it a bit.

It took at least two hours to make sure no one is left behind in the undergrounds, checking every room and every corner until the last of them was brought to the daylight.

The cars and jeeps are ready and now it was time to play Tetris. Around 200 people and only ten jeeps and fifteen cars. This is going to be a squeeze and pull game.

Alone organizing the people into the cars or jeeps took another hour and a half. Time was running and I still didn't see Jimin anywhere. The panic rising inside was almost clouding my senses, almost letting go of my sanity and control, when I finally hear his voice.

"Hyung! Here!" I turn around to see the midget sit on a motorcycle, two helmets in his hands and a wide smile plastered on his face.

I immediately rush to him and take his face into my hands.
"God, I was worried you left again." I breathe out in relieve before kissing his those sinful lips deeply.
"Have some trust in me, will you?" He rolls his eyes, but chuckles when I flick his forehead.

Seokjin made the drivers and my group come together before we would leave the facility here behind until the herd would pass it.
"We are going west, up to Ulsan. The herd is coming from Changwon. We don't stop until we arrive in Seoul. No breaks either. We don't know how large this herd is exactly and how fast the walkers are. Now go and stay safe. May god be with you, brothers."

"May god be with us." They all said in union before getting behind the wheel, waiting for Seokjins signal.

Jimin placed his backpack into the jeep where Taehyung and the others are and only takes his beloved sword with him. He also got me a Glock AR-15 while he puts on a vest with magazines for my gun attached to it.

It is really not the right time to get thirsty over him, but Jimin in his black military uniform, with a magazine vest on, sword peaking out from his back.. He looks hot with his small waist and thick thighs. Not to mention how his ass is popping out like.. daamn-

"Are you done thirsting?" The smaller laughs while getting behind me on the motorcycle.

"When did I ever stop that?" I question back which owns me a soft slap on my shoulder followed by giggles. Aahh my heart can't take this cuteness!

We put our helmets on and I start the motor, just as everyone else. Finally there was time to think. To realize. To get nervous and scared..

We are leaving the safety of the bunker and will be in the complete open for god knows how long. Everything could happen alone in the four hours we will drive up to Seoul. I just hope the drive there goes smoothly and everyone will be safe there.

What worries me though is the hyper little midget behind me. Where as everyone else is scared for their asses, this tiny asshole really has the audacity to sing loud and with excitement:

It's been a while since Jimin was able to go outside and kill zombies. Of course he's euphoric to be in the open again. Nonetheless.. can he be more considerate to the others? There are people who are fainting in worry and he wiggles his butt in excitement.

Still.. I can't help myself but chuckle to Jimins light aura. I didn't saw him this happy for a while. Well, he was caged up down in the bunker. I would be happy too then. So without giving a fuck about others and their crises, I let the younger be hyper.

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now