Part 7

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*Phil's P.O.V*

I looked at Zayah not knowing what to say. Did she really just say she's pregnant? "You're pregnant?" I whispered.

She nodded and handed me the little picture she was holding as a few tears rolled down her face. I looked at the picture and of course it's an Ultrasound of a little blob that is measured to be 6 weeks and some days. I honestly don't know if i should be happy or pissed about this. I mean i'm blessed that i'm bringing another life into this world but i pissed at the fact that soon or later i will have to tell my wife that i been cheating on her for the last 7 months now Zayah is pregnant. I sighed and looked up at Raven and Bruno "Can you two step out for a minute please?"

Raven raised her eyebrow "Is everything okay dad?"

I nodded "Yea baby girl i just need to to speak with Zayah in private. I'll come get you when we are done"

She shrugged "Okay dad.... Uncle Bruno come on take me to startbucks i'm in a need for a chocolate chip frappe"

Bruno looked up at her and made a face "You gonna turn into a damn cup of coffee"

"Awww whatever come on!" She giggled pulling Bruno up and dragging him out the room.

I slightly laughed at them. When the door was completely closed there was an awkward silence that filled tbe room. I really don't know what to say to Zayah i mean of course i want her to keep the baby and be there for Zayah all through her pregnancy but what the hell would i tell Urbana when she came back from Africa in a few months.

I eventually broke out all my thoughts when Zayah ended the silence by sniffling "Phil i uh understand if you want me to get a abortion"

I stopped in all my tracks and looked at Zayah like she was 10 karat gold crazy "Why would say some shit like that!?!?"

More tears fell down her face "Because i'm sure you don't want me to have this baby"

I bit my lip trying to stop the sudden urge to slap the stupid out of her mouth. I took a deep breath and grabbed her chinand made her look at me "Never in a million years would i tell you to get rid of my baby why would you even think something like that"

She looked hesitant then shrugged "I-I never mind"

"Talk to me Zayah tell me why the fuck would you say something like that?" I raised my voice causing her to flinch

She tried to look away from but i held her face in place "Look at me when i'm talking to you. Tell me why do you feel that i don't want you to have my baby?"

She sniffled with more tears falling from her face "Because you're married and i'm nothing but your homewrecking side chick"

I groaned "There you and Raven go with that word again. Baby you aren't wrecking anybody's home truthfully my marriage was half way over before you walked into my life. You are so much more then just my side chick baby i love you"

She shook her head "You don't love me. You don't even like me"

"I don't like you? What makes you think that i don't like you baby?"

"Because you're always yelling at me and being so mean to me" she said as her cracked and more tears fell down her face. And that suddenly made a ping of guilt rise up in my chest. I haven't been treating her right lately no wonder why she would think i would want her to get rid of my baby.

I let go of her face and gently placed my hand on her stomach "Baby i know i haven't beem treating you the best amd it's practically my fault that you are sitting in this bed. I don't know what comes over me it's like get angry fast and i black out in.that moment. I really do love you Zay and i will do anything to prove it i swear"

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