Part 19

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*Urbana's P.O.V*

It's about 12:15 and i called Morgan to help me move Phil and my kids back home. She told me would meet me at that house around 12:45 so now i'm getting ready. Phil knows damn well he's coming back to me as much as he tried to deny it. I put on a black sweats and put my hair into a bun then grabbed my phone and i was off to go get my man.

I walked around the corner and reached that house. I went to the door and heard screaming and crying and begging for Phil to stop. I laughed to myself she's so pathetic she's really in there begging Phil not to leave her. I rang the doorbell and nobody came to the door. I rang the doorbell and still no answer but there was still screaming. And I don't know why but that made me sense something was wrong. I tried my luck and wiggled the door knob and to my surprise it was unlocked. I pushed the door open and walked in and suddenly the screaming intensified. I looked around and the place was trashed and suddenly my eyes landed on something that i'd never expected to see. Phil standing above Zayah beating her to a pulp while she begged for him to stop.

All I could do was just stand there in fear and watched as he mercilessly beat her. Soon common sense hit and told me to try and stop him. He drew back to hit her again and I quickly ran and grabbed his arm "Phil stop!"

He turned his attention to me and i can officially say the Philip i once knew is gone. There is nothing but sheer anger in his eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" He yelled in my face.

"I um i uhh. I just wanted to surprise the kids" I stuttered with my lip quivering.

"Well they ain't fucking here. And i want you to get your ass up out if my house i got business to take care of"

"No I'm not going to let you beat on her" I said moving away from him and closer to Zayah.

"This ain't got shit to do with you Urbana now get the fuck out of my house!!" He screamed.

I shook my head no and got down on my knees to make sure Zayah was okay. He threw his hands up "Fine if you don't want to leave then I'll leave then!" He stormed off to I'm guessing their bedroom.

I looked at Zayah and her blood face, dress, and hair "Do you want me to take you to the hospital"

She looked at me and began to get hysterical "Get away from me! This is all your fault!" She screamed coughing up blood. "He had stopped hitting me he promised to never hit me again and you fucked it all up!" She cried.

I jumped a little. Phil has hit her before? "What do you mean that Phil had stopped hitting you"

She was about to say something until Phil emerged from that room in clean clothes and carrying their baby in the car seat and the diaper bag. Zayah suddenly started panicking "Phil where are you going with her!? Please don't take her! Baby I'm sorry!" She cried trying to grab his leg as he walked past us.

He looked back at Zayah "When i come back my house better be fucking cleaned and dinner better be cooked oh and there better be another tv here when i get back. Also that bitch better be gone by the time i get back!"

Zayah slowly nodded then Phil walked out of the house. I turned my attention back to Zayah still not processing what just happened. I pushed her hair back "Zayah-"

She shook head rocking back and forth mumbling word "He had stopped. He told me wasn't going to hit me no more. He kept his promise now look at me!" She looked at me moving away from me "Are you happy now! There my life is hell just like you wanted. Oh wait no my life has always been hell. You think i got it good with Phil bitch no! It's pure hell! If you want him please take him back because i never wanted him!" She broke down crying more.

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