"Which Character-?"

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[Y/n] Joker, I'm here to return your cards. Are you in here?

[Y/n] 《enter the room, but it's empty》

[Y/n] Joker? -looking around-

[Twilight] (appear behind them) Hi, Y/n!

[Y/n] GYAH!

[Twilight] Relax, it me Twilight~

[Y/n] Gosh, I almost throw you out of Sky Joker!

[Twilight] Hehe~

[Suisei] Sorry, Y/n-chan. Joker and the other guys aren't here...

[Y/n] Oh

[Suisei] But we do need you!

[Y/n] Eh? For what?

[Twilight] For questions!

[Y/n] Uum... sure?

[Suisei] Great! I have a good one! Who is the most charming one?!?

[Y/n] Joke-

[Twilight] Besides Joker! Sheesh, you're such a simp!

[Suisei] Yeah!

[Y/n] //blush/

[Y/n] Oh y-yeah?

[Y/n] Says the girls who simp for Hyakkimaru and Lupin-san...

[Suisei] T-That's... out of the v-verge of!

[Y/n] Well besides Joker, I'll go for Spade! He's has the most fangirls before Lupin-san!

[Twilight] Good! Keep it up. Your turn, Sapphire!

[Sapphire] O-Ok... W-Who opens more and trying new things?

[Y/n] That would be our precious Akai, of course!

[Y/n] The poor bird almost lost his mind while playing human games with the others... 《so done, yet proud smile》

[Twilight] True. Ok, who will initiate the dating stage first?

[Y/n] Hmm... That would be Spade.

[Suisei] Good enough. Who gets rejected a lot?

[Y/n] Totally Mr.Kaneari. He's the ugliest sadist existing under my shoes...

[Suisei] //snort// Can't l-lie to that~

[Twilight] I'm still not believing the fact Kaneko's married to him... 😂

[Twilight] Next. Who's the craziest?

[Y/n] Inspector Oniyama

[Sapphire] Really? Not Dr.Neo or Professor Clover to change your mind?

[Y/n] Well he always follow Joker everywhere and for the love of god, even in hell, just to arrest him! //laughing//

[Twilight] Hmm... Point taken.

[Suisei] Next. Who gives the most advice when it comes to racist people?

[Y/n] (smirk) S. H. A. D. O. W  = UwU

[Sapphire] Nice pick, Y/n-san!

[Suisei] //chuckles// He will definitely advice you to send them in the hospital or probably their early grave...

[Twilight] How about... Hmmm... Who has the most anger issues?

[Y/n] Still dear Shadow. He will never get tired killing Joker...

[Sapphire] Which sounds a lot like inspector~ (giggles)

[Twilight] Exactly!

[Suisei] He's already dealing with Joker. Let's see what will happen if Lupin join in~

Kaitou Joker (<~Randomeness & Tales~>)Where stories live. Discover now