How boys ignore a girl

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[Sapphire] Yesterday was fun. I wonder what the boys are doing right now...

[Queen] Hey Luna! The girls and I are going shopping today! Wanna come?!

[Sapphire] //sweatdrop// I d-don't think that's such a good idea for me... Have you forgotten? (playing with ice and snow from her left hand)

[Twilight] Oh right! Hehe, sorry... So, it's a no?

[Sapphire] Sorry... It's just too many people for me...

[Rose] It's alright! We'll just buy you some ice lollies back here to cheer you up... Bubbye!~ //left with Twilight and the others//


[Sapphire] Hey, Jack. The girls were shopping today so I was kinda lonely today. I was wondering if it's alri-

[Hachi] Joker-san! I cleaned the treasure room as you requested!!! Now they are shining everywhere!

[Joker] Sweet! Which reminds me, I just send an Advance Notice to that maniac paint brush that I will be stealing the Rainbow Pearl from the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean. Come on!

[Hachi] Stop being impatient or else I won't cook curry for you anymore!

[Joker] Awww~ Not the curry threats again!!! Fine!

[After that, they left Sapphire alone...]

[Sapphire] D-Did they j-just... No... I just forgot I might be still invisible to them like how I met them... Maybe I forgot to make myself visible again, silly me...

[Sapphire] I wonder what Spade-san is doing...


[Spade] Come in...

[Sapphire] Hey King... Can I ask for a favor?

[Sapphire] The girls are nowhere and I'm kinda alone today... Is it alright for yo-

[Ai] //suddenly barged inside// Spade-sama!

[Sapphire] -for you to play c-chess with me... (finish with a mumble)

[Spade] (sigh) Ai, what did I tell you about the door...

[Ai] Gomenasai, Spade-sama! D-Demo... My sisters are having troubles with the bankrupts and fans lately...

[Ai] My younger sister, Kira, said that she is planning to break the group if this keeps going until tomorrow... I was wondering if it's okay for you to help me catch the thieves?...

[Spade] Isn't she with Agent Sil- Nevermind... I guess since I'm free anyway...

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