Rose trying her best to insult everyone pt.1

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[Rose] The title is kinda weird for me... I never insult anybody...

[A. Silver] I'm sure you'll do just fine... Besides, just this once...

[Rose] Oh ok! Silver-san, you are such a show-off!

[A. Silver] //snicker// True...

[Rose] And a bit of a dickhe- (got her mouth suddenly covered)

[A. Silver] I agree with you insulting everyone, but don't curse in front if your onii-chan or you'll get grounded... //watch Shadow pass by//

[Rose] But Jack use it all the time... Including the other boys except Phoenix-san and Lupin... Well, in front of me...

[Sapphire] (appear out of nowhere) What do you mean, Rose?

[A. Silver] Kyyaaa! Who are you?!

[Sapphire] It's me, Sapphire... I decided to show myself  since there's only two people here and you both seems nice...

[A. Silver] Oh god you look cute, m'lady...

[Sapphire] Thanks... So what is you were saying, Rose?

[Rose] Nope! I'm not saying it... Silver-san said it's a cursed word...

[Sapphire] Hmm...  What does 'fuck' mean?

[A.Silver] (accidentally spit out his juice to Spade who just enters the room)

[Spade] I'll just go take another shower again... Dark Eye! (left)

[A. Silver] Where did you heard that word from?!?

[Sapphire] Joker, Shadow, Hachi, Shisho, Lupin, Shadow and Que-"

[A. Silver] (hide his canon behind his back) Where are they?... //hidden dark tone//

[Sapphire] Oh them? I don't really know...

[A. Silver] //eyes twitch before overprotective mode triggered all of a sudden// Whatever new words coming from their mouth, don't use it, ok? I'll just finish my 'new' mission...

[Sapphire] Oh ok! Can you please buy me some ice lollies, Silver-sama?...

[A. Silver] //fainted blush appear// H-Hai... Help Rose finish her task... (left)

[Rose] Silver-sama?

[Sapphire] It's a hobby... Now come...


[Rose] Ai-san?

[Ai] Hai?

[Rose] You're weak... Did I got it?

[Ai] Are you trying to insult me?

[Rose] //sigh// And I failed...

[Ai] I won't say that you failed. You aren't just used to insulting like Joker-san do...

[Rose] Sorry. Ok, who's next?


[Rose] Akai-san?

[Akai] //transform back to human and notice Sapphire and Rose// Oh hi Rose! Sapphire...

[Rose] Akai-san, you're so annoying...

[Akai] Am I? S-Sorry...

[Rose] I'm sorry if I hurt you! I was trying to insult everyone!

[Akai] Oh... Well it didn't hurt me, actually... It's true that I'm annoying...

[Akai] Sapphie, it seems you finally open up to one of the guys...

[Sapphire] Absolutely. Silver-sama was really nice!

[Akai] That's good to hear coming from the agent himself...

[Sapphire] But I heard Joker and others saying 'fuck'. What does it mean, Nix?

[Akai] //body twitch and ready his phoenix bow and arrow behind his back// J-Joker, eh... (creepy smile)

[Sapphire] Yup! Including the other guys and Queen except Silver-sama...

[Akai] You stay here with Rose... I'm gonna look for 'someone'... Be a good girl and forget about that word...  (fly out)

[Sapphire] Where is he going? He just woke up... Not to mention he said the same thing Silver-sama just said...


[Rose] You are so short...

[Hachi] Why does someone always bother my height?!?

[Sapphire] He's the only one who got affected...

[Rose] S-Sorry Hachi... I was trying t-

[Hachi] (runs out crying)

[Rose] I didn't go too far, right?

[Sapphire] Joker have been teasing him about his height for so long so it was kinda his fault...


[Rose] Have you ever notice how much girls you have played? How could someone ever like a playboy like you?

[Rose] Those kinds of guys who use sweet and flirty words you said just to impress a lady would never be ashame of his own actions... That's what useless guys are these days...

[Rose] No wonder your parents le-

[Ai] (barged inside and quickly cover her mouth before she whisper frantically) Don't m-mention his parents, Rose!

[Rose] O-Oops... //slowly turn to Spade//

[Spade] Tch... twin is a twin... personality will alwas remain the same instead of having good differences... (took everything seriously before throwing his tea at the wall and stormed out)

[Ai] Spade! Spade-sama! //follow him/

[Sapphire] Poor guy... Rose, you're going to apoligize after this, alright?

[Rose] //sigh// I gotta apologize 'now' rather than 'after'... I search about insults and I just imitate what the internet says! I didn't mean to hurt his feeling~

[Sapphire] Whatever an internet was, don't trust it ever again... Now go apologize to Spade-sama...

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