Why Are You So Happy? (Joker x Akai x Child Reader) I

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"Catch me if you can!" That line was stuck in your head from the minute you encounter him at the observatory. You wanna know why that guy gets to laugh from all the crisis happening. Imagine yourself living in New York with no parents or family survivors besides you.

Your grandparents got into a landslide accident. Your cousins and brother got washed over and drown from the flood. And your mom and dad just disappear on your 5th birthday because of a twister. Your aunts and uncle move to Canada to avoid getting included in your misery. Imagine you're only 8 years old here.

The people in New York could never live peacefully. And you feel like you can't live like this much longer either. "Next year, Y/n... You're next... Just hold it a little longer..." you mumbled before a tear drop from your broken (e/c) eyes.

But I want that to happen soon... Too much humans are cruel to me... you thought before people started to surround you when you reach the bridge. Once you are close at the edge, one of them push you that made you lost your balance and slowly start falling from the edge.

You smile a bit from their careless move. Yes, this is what you wanted. After 3 years suffering... No more pain... That's what you thought before you got caught by someone. "Oh hey little girl! Wanna have a little trip with me?" He ask. You didn't respond and just blink. You suddenly hugged back when he made a front flip in the air as 3 policemen follow him from behind.

"I will so catch you, Joker!!!"

"Hehe~ Catch me if you can, inspector!" He teased as you saw a small ninja following him from behind. You were just confuse. The first thing you thought he will ask when he caught was if you're okay, but it's not what you expected.

"I can't believe you made us run from the museum all the way here!" The blue ninja complain. "Heh, it's more fun when we're teasing Inspector once in a while~"


You shoot your head up and saw a... guy or perhaps a weird human lifeform with red hair and star-cross eyes.

"Yawning Jerk?!"

You sat there on the carpet floor, frozen and puzzled as you look around the place. "Uumm... Joker-san? You forgot about the kid..." the blue ninja reminded, pointing his finger to you.

"Oh? You brought a little friend? Well that's surprising..." the lifeform guy mention while floating in mid-air, not removing his smirk.

"Shut up, Yawning Jerk!" The magician looking boy screamed before turning to you and bend in your small level. "Awww~ I didn't know you have a soft side for kids, Joker-san!" "You shut up too, Hachi! I don't have any!" He corrected before he turn to you. "And even if I did, my body move on it's own when she fell off the bridge..." he mumbled.

You just stare back before you both are starting to have a staring contest.

"W-Why..." You stuttered in a whisper before he give you a confused look. "She meant 'why did you save her'..." Hachi explained. "I knew that and I'm not that stupid!" The magician complain before sighing. The ninja named 'Hachi' awkwardly laugh at the sight. The magician sigh and look to me with a 'seriously' look.

"Are you seriously gonna ask me that stupid question?" He said in disbelief before you didn't think twice and nod, making his eyes widen in surprised. "You're too young and early to die, why did you think we save you?! Maybe you're on the same age as I am!" The ninja stated.

"Hmm... 'why' you may ask. Well... it's because life is the most precious thing in the world! The gods gave it to us to experience how happiness feels like!" The magician explained before giving me a bright smile, but it only made you hang your head low on the floor.

Kaitou Joker (<~Randomeness & Tales~>)Where stories live. Discover now