Ms. Apprentice?

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[???] Hehe... Hello!

[Shadow] Who are you?! I have an umbrella and I'm not afraid to use it!

[???] Awww! Cute~

[Shadow] What did you just refer me to?!?

[???] //giggle and points her wand at him//

[Shadow] (umbrella turn to small baby animals)

[Sapphire] Oh my goodness! Such a cute baby kitten!

[Joker] <scream when he saw a cat and throw Hachi at Sapphire>

[Sapphire] Owie...

[Hachi] Hey! That wasn't nice Joker-san!

[Shadow] My umbrella! //cried//

[Twilight] Wow... Those two Jokers are childish...

[Sapphire] Eek! So kawaii~ I wanna name you Pudding!

[Akai] C-Cute...

[A. Silver] //grab his phone and took a picture of Sapphire//

[Twilight] Anyways, it's nice to see you again, Suisei!

[Suisei] Same, sensei!

[Twilight] For the last time, call me by my name because I sound old with the honorifics...

[Suisei] Oops! Right! Hehe...

[Akai] You never tell me that you have other friends beside me and Nini, Twily...

[Akai] Also, what does she mean by 'Like I would let him...'?

[Suisei] Ah! Hehe... that's my personal info... (creepy smile)

[Sapphire] //yelp and went behind the agent//

[Lupin] E-er... Might be best if Sapphire stay next to Silver for some time...

[Suisei] Eeek! Kaitou Lupin!

[Lupin] E-Eh? (got hugged by Suisei)

[Rose] ...

[Rose] Do I have to challenge someone in a battle of death?

[Suisei] Can I have your sign?! I'm a huge supporter!

[Lupin] //start sweating when he saw Rose forming a dark aura around her//

[Lupin] Make it quick and nothing else...

[Suisei] Don't worry! I'm not head over heels on you, silly~ I like someone else!

[Lupin] Ok, good.

[Suisei] Also, backstabbing is not in my personality. I'm sweet, soft and naive!

[Hachi] Wow-really? I thought that's Ms. Rose and Ms. Sapphire's job...

[Shadow] Don't mock her or you'll face me, ninja!

[Akai] I'll toast you for the bears' meal if you dare to make fun of Nini!

[Hachi] S-Sorry!

[Rose] It's alright!

[Sapphire] ...

[Sapphire] It's f-fine...

[Twilight] So what brings you here, Suisei?

[Suisei] Oh right! It's kinda lonely in the lake, so I wanted to follow you wherever you go!

[Queen] That almost sounds like a stalker...

[Roko] Aren't you a phantom thief as well? Why don't you go in heists?

[Suisei] Nah~ It isn't fun when I steal alone. I want to a heist that has a rival like Joker!

[Joker] (chuckles) Too bad Spade's still weak to even walk...

[Shadow] I'm still here, faker!

[Queen] I still don't get why you pulled a prank like that...

[Joker] Wow, you're brains are slow!

[Shadow] HUH?!?

[Joker] The reason I did that is to give Dark Eye a chance to take care of that peacock!

[Joker] Everyone knows she likes him, dammit!

[Hachi] I don't... Now I'm sure I have no chance...

[A. Silver] LANGUAGE! <covering Sapphire's ears again>

[Suisei] D-Da... Dammi-

[Twilight] No, Suisei!  That's not a nice word! Gosh, I can't believe I just heard that too! Aaaghh!!!

[Akai] Joker, there's four innocent girls here!

[Sapphire] Wait... Hachi and Roko aren't innocent...

[Roko] //secretly thinking about porn and sweatdrop//

[Hachi] (hide the magazine of girls wearing bikini's and nervously laugh)

[Queen] Then the organization... was a setup?

[Queen] W-Were you trying to ship me with... P-Phoenix?! (stuttered with a small blush)

[Akai] HUH?! Hey, Joker! I don't like whiny sangwoo girls killing me with her sword!

[Akai] She can't even handle my freaking fire!

[Joker] Oh, that was on purpose to get a payback from Queen for stealing my curry...

[Queen] <start sulking in the corner, questioning her love life>

[Lupin] And what about my date? You have a reason for almost making me the meal?!

[Joker] It means you have to try harder, french guy!

[Joker] Shadow's freaking gonna appear out of nowhere!

[Joker] And even if I didn't do that, you do know that he was still there to ruin the date...

[Lupin] Hmmm... Good point, but still! I have to dive in the snow just put out my clothes on fire!

[Hachi] What about the theater incident? You have an explanation for that too?

[Joker] Oh- hehe... Actually, that one's on me...

[Hachi] JOKER-SAN! //crying in anime style//

[Joker] Shut up, Hachi!

[Twilight] I guess you could stay... but can you handle chaos?

[Twilight] Everyone here can be chaotic in there own ways...

[Suisei] Sure!

[Sapphire] Can we play, please?

[A. Silver] Uuuh... sure, dearie. Hey Phoenix, we'll be building an ice and snow wonderland in the other main room...

[Akai] I'm fine with that... Just be careful and gentle with her...

[A. Silver] Huh?

[Akai] I couldn't play with her because snow is water if it melts...

[A. Silver] What do you even mean about being gentle and careful?

[Akai] Oh that... When Nini accidentally hit someone, she's scared to hurt somebody and always loose control. Avoid getting hit at all cost...

[Akai] She hit me once and the ice sure painful in my arm...

[A. Silver] Oh okay...

[Suisei] Can I come too? Twilight wants me to learn some new spells about snow!

[A. Silved] Sure. Hey Tsubasa, tell me if Joker did something stupid...

[Joker] Hey, why me?!? Question Yawning Jerk about being chaotic too!

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