Little Darlings Pt.1

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[Sapphire] TWILIIIIIIIGHT!!!! <shrieked in fear>

[Her voice echoes across Sky Joker. Suisei and Twilight got caught by surprise and accidentally spilled the potions in their small witch's bowl]

[Twilight] Well at least we finally have sparkles in ourselves~ (checking out her hair)

[Suisei] <shakes the glitter off> Uh-huh... Not for me...

[Suisei] Let's check on Sapphie. Maybe she's in her monthly today...

[Twilight] //pouts// What about my cotton candy?~

[Suisei] For a teacher, you sure release your childish side at the bad timing...

[Twilight] B-But... c-cotton candy... <sad puppy dog eyes>

[Suisei] *dragged her by the leg* Come on, 'sensei'...

[Twilight] My sparkly cotton c-candy! And my soon to be c-chocolate f-fountain!


[Suisei] Ok, we're here! What's wrong?

[Twilight] Did some of Joker's old clown toys frighten you?!

[Twilight] Or your nightmare coming to life?!?

[Twilight] Dr.Neo's wig falling off in front of you?!?

[Twilight] Caught Hyakki shirtless?!?

[Twilight] A tsunami of rats and bacon together?!? Or--

[Suisei] W-Wait... what did you s-say before tsunami of rats and bacon, Twi?

[Twilight] ....

[Twilight] (silence)

[Twilight] (blush 50 shades of strawberries in realization)

[Twilight] D-Did I s-say s-something? I can't r-recall! *awkwardly laugh*

[Suisei] //smirk and just roll her eyes// Anyways, back to the problem...

[Sapphire] B-Ba... I-I.. N-Nix... and... o-others... //mumbling//

[Twilight] Huh? Speak up, girl...

[Sapphire] (scream her lungs out) P-PHOENIX AND THE OTHERS ARE C-CHILDREN!

[Twilight] Knew it was Neo's wig problem agai- WAIT-WHAT?!?

[After Twilight scream, Baby Joker popped his head from the couch and chuckle. A giggly Queen and a shy King]

[Suisei] W-What are t-they--7 years old children?!

[Sapphire] 2-4 year o-old babies a-actually... //corrected nervously//

[Twilight] (squealed dreamily when she saw a baby Hyakki playing with a toy sword) Awww~ Why are you scared of this little cuties?!

[Twilight] They are s-simply a-adorable~ <nose kissing baby Hyakkimaru>

[B.Hyakkimaru] *cutely giggle*

[Twilight] Eeek! That was so cute!

[B.Akai] (curled up in a ball, crying with a flushed face)

[Queen] Stawbewwy!

[Dump] //staring boringly//

[Suisei] Didn't Spider Ace mention to us that President D is a big kid when he was little? You know what I mean...

[Twilight] Maybe because they only turn to kids, not travel from the past. And whatever body they have in this point of time, it probably affected their changes when they turn to childrens...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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