Phoenix's two unexpected friends

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《After mission》

[Joker] I hate you so much, S-Silver... (shiver in disgust)

[A. Silver] Same with me~ Besides, it's your fault for putting me involve in my descendant's issues with Queen anyway... But I kinda felt old when your girl called me 'grandpa'.

[Joker] She's not my girl!

[Joker] I should've just kidnapped Lupin's female friends for you to choose...

[Girls enters with a red tomato face at the living room]

[Joker] What's with the face?

[Queen] We watched the guys got lectured by grandpa...

[Rose] And Onii-chan was giving the guys another long lecture. Especially Lupin when he caught me talking to him...

[Rose] I mean, is he gonna eat me or what?

[Akai] //just entered the living room and fell passed out at the couch//

[A. Silver] If all the boys are lectured, why is Akai here?... (blunt tone)

[Ai] He wasn't interested with anyone so yeah, Mr.Shadow has nothing to do with him...

[Joker] Then who's the Sapphire girl he mention then?!

[Rose] //shrug//

[Queen] //shrug//

[Ai] //shrug//

[A. Silver] Brrr... Is it just me... or is it getting colder in here... (shiver a bit)

[Knock knock]

[Joker] Ehh?!? //rush through the door//

???: Hi!

[Akai] (hears a familiar voice and quickly shove Joker to the kitchen) Sapphire! Twilight!

Twilight: Hi Phoenix!

[Queen] What the- Phoenix, if you call two names, why is there only one person?

[Joker] (remove the bowl glass from his head) Not to mention how you got here!!!!

[Twilight] By wings duh... If Tsubasa here is a firebird, I'm a fairy!

[A. Silver] //use his special goggle and detect another presence// Both of them waren't lying... I can detect another girl but where is she?

[Akai] Funny fact that I'm the only one who can actually see her... She'll appear to everyone if she gets to know them and slowly open up...

[Rose] At least tell us what she look like...

[Akai] No can do, Rose. If I force her, she's gonna loose her control on her powers... She's not good with socializing and prefer to be alone in one room...

[Queen] Oooh~ What power does she have?!

[Akai] I think she called it 'ice and snow'. My opposite power to be specific...

[Joker] I don't believe you... Give me signs that she was actually here. You might be pranking us! Plus, you don't have to yeet me all the way to my kitchen!!!

[Akai] //crunch his nose// What's a 'yeet'

[Twilight] Uuhh... sure? Sapphire, can you turn the room to negative freezing unit?

[The room turn blue after that]

[Hachi] E-Eeehh?!?!?!?

[Joker] (turn pale and passed out at the cold floor)

[A. Silver] (shivering crazily) P-Please put it b-back to r-room t-temperature...

[Joker] T-This i-is s-so u-unfair!!! Why was I b-born n-normal?!?

[A. Silver] Y-You're a-abn-normal...

[Queen] J-Joker, you're still a-alive?!?

Kaitou Joker (<~Randomeness & Tales~>)Where stories live. Discover now