Story Telling Time! (Akai's Home)

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[Hachi] I'm sure eggs comes first before chickens!

[Sapphire] Really? Where would the egg come from when there's no chicken?

[Sapphire] There can't possibly a first egg on Earth...

[Hachi] There's a legend that eggs comes first! It is also where the origin of chicken came after!

[Hachi] Who told you chickens comes first before eggs?!

[Akai] I did since I'm a bird myself...

[Akai] You got a problem with Nini, ninja? <threaten>

[Hachi] N-None, P-Phoenix-san!

[Hachi] But why tho?... I'm curious...

[Akai] Well your theory is my origin back from my planet, not yours. Back in our first creation, it was the egg that comes first... You humans on the other hand, your theory are the chickens coming first than eggs based on your God's words...

[Hachi] //eyes sparkling// You met God?!?

[Akai] (laughs it off, then turn serious) No...

[Sapphire] Tell us, Akai-san... Please, I'm curious... //pleaded with puppy eyes//

[Akai] Stop being cute first, Nini~ //poke her nose with a smirk//

[Sapphire] //blush and turn pink//

[Joker] Oi! No flirting in my ship!

[Akai] Wait- that was flirting?!

[A. Silver] Yup! Ask Mr.Refreshing over there... (points his gun to Lupin)

[Hachi] Lupin-san? I thought it was Spade-san who's Mr.Refresing...

[Joker] Nah. He's Prince Peacock!

[A. Silver] I thought we all agree that Spade's the only one who have the fangirls before Lupin...

[Joker] Shut up, you! It's my nickname for him!

[Lupin] (sigh) Spade's still half-conscious since his fever struck him next, so I'll be answering for him instead...

[Lupin] Flirting is like seducing a lady in a nicer way to respect privacy. Meaning you have no rights to ha s*x-

[A. Silver] Give them an appropriate explanation, stupid!

[A. Silver] Oh god, Spade could've explain it better to be honest...

[Akai] Anyways, we don't need to know that 'flirting' explanation today...

[Akai] Back in my planet, our first lifeform was created by our most hated being called 'beautiful sirens'-

[Lupin] You mean 'mermaids'-

[Akai] EXACTLY! Now... according to my firebird-mates' stories, they said a beautiful siren wanted to create a creature that can fly fast with the wind, have the ability to fight fire by fire with the demons and angels and a creature strong enough to guard the place. Firebirds like me haven't existed at that time. My planet was known by something else that time as well... My planet was like Earth, only difference is that it was nature free and less cities...

[Rose] Wow!

[Sapphire] R-Really? It sounds scary...

[Twilight] Can I listen too?! I like horror stories!

[Akai] It's not actually horror, Twilight. It's more like an origin...

[Twilight] Awww~ (disappointed)

[Akai] //chuckle// Don't worry, Hyakkimaru can show you something scary later...

[Joker] Hmph! Don't think I will listen to you for once just because I'm curious!

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