Where Did His Jacket Come From?

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[Spade] You girls ready?

[Rose] Yes, Spade-san!

[Suisei] So?! What do you guys think?!? <excited>

[Sapphire] You s-should've atleast let me wear d-doll s-shoes...

[Spade] She looks great. I didn't know light colors suits you a lot, m'lday~

[Ai] I suddenly feel getting punch to 2nd after he said that...

[Sapphire] //blushing// T-This is so e-embarrassing...

[Twilight] (takes out her camera) Smile and pose, Sapphie~

[Sapphire] O-Ok...

(Sorry about my drawing

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(Sorry about my drawing. I trace most of the parts since I don't know how to draw digitally 😅)

[Spade] Impressive. Nice work, Ai...

[Ai] //blush//

[Suisei] AhEM...

[Spade] -a-and you girls too...

[Lupin] The skirt part is looking magnefic, dearies, but remove the jacket...

[Twilight] Huh? Why?

[Lupin] Because it doesn't match her hair and she can't stretch her arms...

[Suisei] I guess, but keep your hair that way, Nini-chan!

[Spade] You're very annoying when it comes to fashion sometimes, you know...

[Rose] Can I please wear my very own jacket? My maroon croptop is a little too much since it's summer already...

[Queen] Me too!

[Ai] Sure. I'll sew some for you guys...

[A. Silver] Rose's allowed. Not Queen...

[Queen] Huh?! Why?!?

[A. Silver] My descendant already spoiled you too much. Me saying 'no' to you is a complete option...

[Queen] Hmph! I am not that bad!

[A. Silver] Say that to my face again after slicing my house into half and for trying to steal my precious little sister's diamond tiara...

[Queen] It was an accident! It's not my fault your house has a lot of booby-traps!

[Queen] Even Joker and Lupin will get trap in there!

[A. Silver] That's called being prepared and you for being completely stupid to underestimate me and my house...

[A. Silver] Like HELL I would let you steal my dear sister's memory, you spoiled brat!

[Lupin] Dang, Queen. You sound pretty bad to me...

[Queen] I did say sorry to him!

[Joker] (blunt) No you didn't...

[Queen] Shut up, Joker!

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