Rose trying her best to insult everyone pt.2

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[Spade] Ok fine, since you say sorry, I'll forgive you and keep my mouth sealed about your mission.. but I'll just be a distant around you for a week for now to forget that insult...

[Rose] Thank you King! (pull him into a hug)

[Ai] (clears throat) Spade-sama...

[Spade] (quickly pull away) Right... (notice Shadow and the others just entered the living room)

[Sapphire] So Rose... ready? It'll be easier since they are all here...

[Rose] (sigh) I guess... I don't wanna do this...

[Rose] Although, I want to know why Phoenix and Agent Silver haven't return yet...

[Sapphire] (shrugged)

[Twilight] Oi, Rose! I brought some fresh apples for your apple pie later! Hope you don't mind...

[Rose] Thanks... I guess...

[Twilight] What's the matter? Is there something wrong?

[Rose] (sigh) No... It's just you look weak for a fairy...

[Everyone] O○O

[Shadow] Rose!

[Rose] Shut up, copycat. It was your fault why I almost got killed anyway....

[Shadow] N-Nani?!?

[Rose] And Lupin... the idea of you letting so many girls at your apartment? Are you that numb? Which reminding me why you never had parents before...

[Lupin] //a bit taken back//

[Queen] Rose, enough!

[Rose] Oh and always putting your life in danger just so could Joker save you? How pathetic are you?

[Joker] Ok, that's it! Who are you and what did you do to Rose?!? //grabs her collar neck shirt//

[Ai] Hold it Mr.Joker it was only her mission...

[Everyone] Eh? //went dumbfounded// (jaw drop)

[Queen] You mean.... it was a prank?!?

[Rose] You can say that... I think... Sorry everyone...

[Spade] To make it easier, look at the title...

[Shadow] Looks like Jack got trick by a girl... Interesting...

[Joker] //turn red// What-of course I know it was a prank!!! I was just acting along with her so I won't ruin her chan-

[Hachi] Oh shut up. Admit it, you fell for it...

[Lupin] I kinda feel like I wanna go home after the 'insult'...

[Rose] (quickly back-hugged him) I'm so sorry, Lupin...

[Lupin] //blush secretly tinted//

[Shadow] Oi Rose! No hugging boys!!!

[Rose] I wanna hug him because I want to... So don't act like you're the dad around here. We have the same age...

[Joker] BOOM! Shadow got roasted by a girl!!!

[Rose] Oh and Joker, you suck at singing... I think a donkey can do better...

[Joker] Ok I'll shut up no-

[The door burst open]

[A. Silver] Where are those wimpy boys?!

[Akai] Where is Joker?! I will punish him!

[Joker] H-Hey!!! W-What g-gives?!? //got pinned down by Phoenix//

[Sapphire] (appear out of nowhere) Welcome back, Akai! Silver-sama!

[Girls] //scream// Silver-sama?!!

[Twilight] Oh hey Luna! I didn't know you will ever show up...

[Sapphire] I did... to Rose and Silver... but I guess I don't feel shy this time since you guys look so fun to be with...

[Joker] Is no one gonna care that Phoenix tied me up and ready to cook me alive?!?

[Shadow] Nah, you're fine... (got tied up with Queen the others)

[A. Silver] Ok you bad learners! Who the actual fudge just curse today?!!

[Boys] //No one spoke// ..........

[Girls] ........

[Phoenix] Giving me a complete silence, eh... Sapphie dear, would you mind reciting the names of the ones who made you ask about the 'f' word...

[Sapphire] Oh really? What for?

[A. Silver] //force a sweet smile// Oh nothing... This guys just need another 'lecturing', that's all... (lied)

[Sapphire] Hmmm, I guess... //grab a list// First are the obvious ones...

Joker - all the time with Spade
Cyan - when someone made him mad
Queen - when his own grandfather want her to marry him

[Sapphire] Now for the rest... Hachi, Shisho and Lupin-

[After 5 minutes]

[Sapphire] And when Joker almost fell on the sea... (finish)

[A. Silver] <eyes twitch> I s-see...

[Akai] Welp... To the dungeon you guys are coming...

[Joker] I didn't know she was there!!!

[Rose] I'll help Lupin and onii-chan treat their bruises if you did punish them...

[Spade] I'm kinda used to getting hit when I was young so this is nothing...

[Twilight] Queen, you sure are 'not a violent' girl, you say... No wonder you stick around with Joker...

[Joker] Hey!!!

[Queen] //turn red//

[Akai] Ready to learn some 'lessons' for cursing in front of Nini, children? (creepy smile)

[Sapphire] //smile innocently// Hope they had fun learning some things!

[A. Silver] Oh they 'will' learn... You'll hear no more curses and bad words after this...[gein wickedly at the tied up phantom thieves]

[Joker & Queen] //gulp//

[Lupin] Oh boy, not again... (mumble)

[Hyakkimaru] Looks like I'm a clean person... Yes!!! Also, I can't believe you will ever curse because of a job, Hachi...

[Hachi] The Sky Joker looks like a Junk Shop when I arrive! Who wouodn't curse when I'm the only one who will be cleaning the whole airship?!? (complain)

[Joker] Hey! I have learn to tidy up!!! Well a bit... It was Shadow who destroyed my ship!!!

[Akai] I'm not falling to one of your stupid excuses again... //grab Shadow and Joker's ear before dragging them out//

[Sapphire] (pout) Where's my ice cweam?...

[A. Silver] Here you go, baby... Now if you excuse this pure and clean agent, I have some lecturing to do... //left while dragging the rest with their ropes//

[Twilight] Baby?! Eh?!

[Sapphire] (shrug) I'm fine calling him 'onii-chan'. He and Akai sounds so creepy this time... (awkward smile)

[Ai] Looks like Hyakkimaru-san was the only guy who never cursed...

[Hyakkimaru] It's part of my learning back in the days... If we curse we have to balance 8 book stones on our heads...

[Sapphire] Pepper mint! Yey!!! There's also other colors and flavors. You guys want some? I can share...

[Twilight] I do!!!

[The rest] Same!!!

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