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[A. Silver] //in the phone watching videos// .....

[Sapphire] //watching with Silver// .....

[Akai] //sleeping at Sapphire's lap while hugging Hosshi as a pillow// Zzzzz...

[Acrux] Hossshiiii... (Seriously, Phoenix-kun...)

[Sapphire] What are those metal things they use?

[A. Silver] Tools and Machines, dear... They make our work easier...

[Sapphire] Really? So c-cool! How about what you are using? What machine is it called?

[A. Silver] You don't know what a phone is?

[Sapphire] Not really... but I memorize Akai-san's ship controllers...

[A. Silver] .....

[A. Silver] Impressive mind you got there, dearie...

[Sapphire] (went shy)

[Hyakkimaru] //enters the room frowning//

[Hachi] Hyakkimaru-san, I'm really sorry! Please talk to me, Hyakkimaru-san! I didn't mean to- I forgot about it! //crying//

[Twilight] //lifts her small head from the couch//

[Twilight] Hyakki-kun? (confusion)

[Hyakkimaru] Where's Joker?...

{Somewhere in a room...}

[Joker] I k-kinda d-deserve this, but not THIS f-far!!! //stuck in a room with cats below him//

[Cat#1] Meow~

[Joker] (went white and cling on the ceiling for his dear life)

[Joker] I can't b-believe they lock me up in my own ship!

{Back to the main roo }

[Lupin] //whistling like he doesn't know where//

[Roko] He and Ms.Queen got a punishiment, but he got somehting worse...

[Hyakkimaru] And Ai and Spade?

[Rose] Spade-san stayed at Master Silver's house since Ms. Ai will be busy cleaning the whole Thunder Twin Shark to make it spotless. Then after that, she'll also be buying some medicines for Spade's allergies...

[Lupin] Tough being an assistant, but I wish I was Spade now! //sulking in the corner crying//

[A. Silver] Why sulk there like a complete sober when you have a pack of fangirls all over you in Paris? //frown//

[Lupin] Becuase that Shadow freak won't let me go near his twin! I prepare the whole date for me and Rose, but after the fire incident, he really had the guts to show up and ruined it with his stupid umbrella!

[Shadow] Oh shut up! One touch on my sister and I'll send you to the core of the Earth you motherf-!

[A. Silver] //covering Sapphire's ears// LANGUAGE!

[Lupin] (covering Rose's ears) LANGUAGE!

[Hyakkimaru] //covering Twilight's ears// LANGUAGE!

[Shadow] //growl//

[Lupin] See?!

[Lupin] How am I suppose to find a girl when every lady I like has an overprotective family?!?

[Rose] Onii-chan! (smack Shadow's head)

[Shadow] What?! It's true! Big brother doesn't want you marrying anyone! Especially that french freak double-dealer!



[A. Silver] Cyan, watch you mouth, mister! Or you would rather die early! //ready his gun//

[Rose] //facepalm in disbelief//

[Rose] This is why I never get a boyfriend...

[Hyakkimaru] Anyways, Twilight, keep Hachi away from me for a week... I'm going back to Honshu... //left//

[Twilight] Huh? Why tho? (turn to Hachi)

[Hachi] We were visiting London and explore it perfectly, but when we watch the theater, he start shooting SHURIKENS IN STAGE!

[A. Silver] Wait-what? Why?

[Sapphire] What are shurikens? (confusion)

[Roko] Sharp objects that spins in the air when you throw it, Ms.Sapphire!

[Sapphire] Oh! You mean those flying objects that was chasing Joker for the bears' meal?

[Roko] .....

[Roko] Yes?

[Hachi] The play was about London having a war on Japan!

[Hachi] He was so mad at the director and destroy the stage play!

[Hachi] This is all your fault, Joker-san!!! <screaming>

[Twilight] Wow...

[Twilight] Also, the way I imagine him doing that was so HOT!~ 😍💕😍

[A. Silver] ....

[A. Silver] Am I the only sane here?

[Sapphire] //poke his nose and giggle// 

[Sapphire] Cute! It was like a marshmallow! //giggle//

[A. Silver] //blush// That's what my sister would do when I get mad...

[Sapphire] Young master, let's stop Mr.Lupin and Mr.Shadow from fighting! (declare, not removing her smile)

[A. Silver] //sigh// I guess you're right. Rose can't handle those two alone...

[A. Silver] They also seem to be near death if we don't do anything...

[Sapphire] It alnost look like... uh war?

[A. Silver] .....

[A. Silver] Why am I have to be the eldest again?

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