Ship hinted

294 13 3

[Akai] Hey, Joker. Can I ask something?

[Joker] Okay?

[Akai] What do you call to the person of your dreams who return his/her feelings from you?

[Joker] Just an imagination... *sarcasm detected*

[Akai] *took it seriously* Oh really? Huh, guess my feelings for you was just my imagination playing with me...

[Joker] Yeah, ri- Wai-what?!?

[Joker] Yawning Jerk!

[Joker] Oi!!

[Spade] Wait Akai, you're gay?!?

[Queen] I can sense a JACKAI here~

[Hachi] I didn't know Joker-san is gay...

[Joker] I AM NOT!

[Akai] I just came back since Acrux went to your treasure room again...

[Joker] You better make sure he didn't eat my children or else I'll dump yo ass at the ocean!

[Akai] As if you would scare me like that like any other book... Before you even dump me, you might already have a lot burns in your body...

[Shadow] Wait-Acrux or Hosshi?

[Spade] Isn't those two the same space cat?

[Joker] How did you wimpshit show-offs get in here?!?

[Lupin] Hachi happen...

[Spade] Akai, how did you even learn how to use a phone? -_-

[Akai] Ai and Rose taught me how... Those girls are so thoughtful...

[Queen] Are we going to ignore the fact that Akai is gay over Joker?!?

[Akai] I'm straight, not gay...

[Lupin] Then why did you say those things to Joker?!

[Akai] I was testing him. Everyone knows I like a girl...

[Boys] EeEehHh?!?

[Joker] Oi, yawning jerk! You can't just play people's feelings like mine, you know!!! *scolded*

[Akai] Why? Did I hurt you? You like me?

[Hachi] When are you straight-forward? I felt like I should praise you...

[Joker] W-What?!? Pfft... like you?! In your dreams, you jerk! Hmph!

[Akai] Just asking. Anyway, gotta go. I promise Sapphire something personal...

[Akai is offline]




[Hachi] He didn't even answer meh question.

[Shadow] Who's Sapphire?

[Joker] Excuse me?! Since when did you care?!

[Shadow] It's Rose, Jack. Onii-chan is somewhere looking for my phone since Kira borrowed it...

[Lupin] There's six girls living in my apartment and since I'm the only boy there, I don't know any girl with a 'Sapphire' girl...

[Spade] Lucky...

[Lupin] How is that lucky? They always ask me to go to the pharmacy when they ran out of girls things when they are one their period... Yuck, I sound so disgusting...

[Rose (Shadow)] Why did you even let her borrow your phone?! She almost sell it to a random stranger!

[Shadow (Rose)] ....

[Shadow (Rose)] Remind me to prepare her funeral and death bed...

[Rose and Shadow are offline]

[Queen] Wait... why did Rose suddenly went scary...

[Joker] One conlusion...

[Joker suddenly kick Lupin out of the group]

[Joker] Her gallery and extra storage have Lupin's pictures... UwU

[Spade] ........

[Queen] ?!?!!?!?!?😱

[Hachi] *slow clapping* Well that's.... unexpected... I actually thought she likes Mr.Phoenix...

[Spade] Thanks a lot, Joker. Now Queen is running around the Twin Thunder Shark looking for some help to sail those two...

[Joker] Welp... Shadow's not gonna like this...

Kaitou Joker (<~Randomeness & Tales~>)Where stories live. Discover now