Just sleep between apple pie vs. curry

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[Cyan] I challenged you to a duel for insulting me!

[Joker] Serves you right for inuslting me as well!

[Sapphire] What exactly are they fighting over, Akai?

[Akai] They are fight over something stupid like always, I suppose...

[Sapphire] Like what?

[Akai] You're too innocent like Rose, Sapphie... It's either a girl or something personal...

[Spade] //raise an eyebrow// Who are you talking to? The ghost girl you're talking about from the first chapter?

[Akai] She was asking... What do you want me to say then? They are fighting over a treasure or how to steal Queen's virginity? (sarcasm)

[Queen] (blush deep red) P-Phoenix!~

[Spade] //a bit taken back// Since when is he that straight-forward...

[A. Silver] (mentally facepalm) You shouldn't have mention that...

[M. Silver] (barged inside, holding a missile launcher ) Speak you no good pervert children! Who was planning to take my Queen's virginity?!? I swear I'll ready my army for all of you're death beds!

[A. Silver] There goes my creepy descendant...

[Shadow/Joker] Shut up already! You're the pervert here!!!

[Queen] //slap Master Silver to passed out again// Seriously, where did Grandpa learn how to be dirty... I felt like I should stay next to 'young grandpa' for my safety...

[A. Silver] Could you just stop with the 'grandpa' words? I'm starting to feel old...

[Sapphire] What are those twins fighting for anyway, Nix?

[Akai] //roll his eyes// Like I said before, something stupid... Oi, Jokers! My friend was asking what are you guys fighting for!

[Joker] Something very important!

[Shadow] For the first time, I'll agree with him! I'll get my own lawyer and referee! This is war!!!

[Joker] Not if I get mine first!

[Hachi] Just tell us what's wrong so we can settle things out rather than having a death battle inside the ship!

[Joker] NO! His words are too much!

[Shadow] You're the one who started it, motherf***!

[Joker] Me?!  I was eating peacefully until you show up out of nowhere and start insulting the love of my life, you d***head!

[Queen] //blush hard// J-Joker...

[A. Silver] Language you two! There's five innocent girls here!

[Queen] Actually, me and Ai aren't innocent thanks to grandpa...

[Ai] Hai, but I still show respect and try my best to avoid cursing...

[A. Silver] Ok, make that three...

[Twilight] And from the looks on Tsubasa's face, he is ready to burn Sky Joker...

[Akai] On second thought, I'll just burn both of them just in case those two burglars start cursing more... Sapphire, do me a favor and forget about those words you just heard...

[Sapphire] What words?

[Akai] Exactly, dear...

[Rose] Onii-chan, just tell us why are you and Jack fighting...

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