•Part one

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Warning • mentions of abuse, depression, suicide and some neglect.

The past. My past has been crazy.

It all started when my parents fell in love and had my older sister Charlotte Evergreen. Jade envies her. She has the most love from my father, much more than me and my twin brother, Miles Evergreen, would ever get at least. Since Jade was born she has gotten everything she has wanted, she is our father's princess. He likes to think of Charlotte as a reminder of our mother, the mother Charlotte had known and the mother me or Miles hardly knew.

I am Jade Evergreen, my twin brother is Miles Evergreen, I'm older than him by 8 minutes so any chance I get, I can piss him off with it. Many kids have a bond with their parents, having a loving father coming home from work with a smile on his face, a mother staying at home smiling all day with her loving children. That was not the case for us Evergreen's. My mother, Jane Evergreen, had very bad depression to the point she couldn't take it anymore. The stress of her husband and her fighting all the time, having to deal with three young children all alone whilst her husband was at work or at the bar with some random girl.

My mother took her own life on the third of July.

My father, Micheal Evergreen, had known my mother for ages, they went to Hogwarts together and grew up as best friends to lovers to nothing anymore. They always had arguments, it always ended up with bruises on my mother's face or my father coming home with a new girls perfume all over him, it was also both half of the time. All of this became way too much that my father had started taking his anger out on his own family, that includes his wife and his children.

After our mother passed, the abuse never stopped it just got worse. It was a sign that our father was grieving but in a very terrible way. It was no surprise that he never hurt Charlotte in these ways though, it was always me and Miles getting this treatment. That was until the year after Charlotte had gotten her letter, an owl arrived on our doorstep with two letters this time. Me and Miles saw this as an escape from our past lives, a chance to be away from our father, a chance to make new friends and much happier memories with everyone.

Charlotte was sorted into Slytherin, my father's own house, when she first went to Hogwarts. I think everyone thought we would also got Slytherin, but somehow we landed ourselves in Ravenclaw. The school was huge and there was so many people there, hardly any of them knew the twins or really cared about them until they were met with their classroom being blown up by two older boys. Twins as well. Fred and George Weasley.

Years had passed and we had gotten really close with Fred and George, in fact all of their family at Hogwarts especially Ginny Weasley. She was in the same year as us and she is really nice so it was easy to make friends with her, me or Miles had never really experienced having friends without our father judging their Blood-Status or family background. We were just lucky to have any friends at all. The Weasley's were more than happy to welcome us into their home, in fact they insisted we spend all holidays at their house unless we are absolutely sure we want to go home to our father and Charlotte. We both found it much easier to be ourselves at the burrow though.

Fred and George had gotten me and Miles into pranking, nearly all the pranks those two had pulled where never missed by us. We either helped them with it, or created our own pranks to challenge the boys. We normally lost though.

"Kids, it's time for dinner everyone come inside!" You head Molly call from the kitchen.

"Coming, mum!" Ron called back and practically sprinted inside for food.

As you all wondered into the house, the sweet smell of fresh food from the kitchen had filled your noses. You could never get used to this anytime you walk into the burrow.

"Everyone take a seat, then eat up! Got a good journey for tomorrow!" Molly said as she sat down to get some food for herself.

"Molly, dear, have you told the kids about what we are exactly doing tomorrow?" Arthur asked his wife and sat down.

"Oh right! We are all going back to 12 Grimmauld Place, we will be staying there the entire summer!" Molly told all the children and watched as their faces lit up with excitement.

Everyone had loved going to Grimmauld Place, especially me and Miles because we were quite similar to Sirius Black in ways. We had differences of course but our family life was very much the same. We all knew very well about what had happened at the end of the year with Sirius almost being killed my his own cousin, we just had to be there for him right now.

"Jade can you pass me the butterbeer please?" George asked you, he was being nice so that made his mother give him questioning looks but George just chose to ignore them.

Me and George have always had a better friendship than me and Fred have, maybe that's because I might like George a bit more but who knows? I had a feeling George could feel the same way about me, but I could never be too sure, he has been the one to help me through all of the trauma caused my mum father.

We were also very similar in ways, I'm not just known as Charlotte's little sister, I'm also known as Miles' twin sister. It's always Miles and Jade not Jade and Miles, it's the same for the Weasley twins too. Always Fred and George not George and Fred, us two sets of twins are both known as a duo, not a solo. I love Fred, as a friend, but if any of the Weasley twins were to be a solo, everyone would know the solo as Fred, not George.

A/N: this is the official first chapter of this story! It's mainly just a bit of a back ground story so you can see what happens as Jade Evergreen, some of it might not make sense so if you are having a hard time figuring out what it says then please comment about it so I could try explain it better! I really hope you all enjoy this story <3

Stay safe! -Olivia

Word Count: 1127

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