•Part four

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Ever since that incident at breakfast, Fred had been very careful around you, terrified for his own life. He continued to walk around you cautiously and watching your every movement for the rest of the day, making sure you don't run off to find that picture and rip it up.

As much as you really wanted to that, it was a pretty cute picture so you also didn't want to.

"Jade." George groaned and fell out his bed onto the floor. You were just plainly staring at the wall.

It was the next day. The third of July. Miles and Fred were downstairs since it was around nine in the morning and George stayed in bed while you just stared at the wall.

This day every year has always been so hard for you, Miles and Charlotte. Miles tries to ignore it and distract himself with doing anything that involved his mind being occupied. Charlotte looks through old pictures and belongings of your mother to remember the old times.

You locked yourself in your room and stayed there most of the day. Every year, George always made sure you ate, drank and at least got out of bed three times that day. He made it his top priority to check on your that day, knowing it was hard for you. Fred constantly done the same with Miles and Hermione and Ginny with Charlotte.

"Yeah George?" You asked, not daring to take your eyes off the blank space on the wall.

"It's the third today. Are you alright?" He asked and dusted himself off, making his way towards you.

"Fine." You mumbled and placed a ring on your middle finger.

"You never have told me the story behind that ring." He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, giving you a simple backwards hug.

"It was my mother's, she got it as a wedding present and Charlotte wanted me to have it when she passed." You gulped, trying to hold back the tears.

"It's alright to cry. Don't let crying come as a weakness, show your emotions." George reassured you and kissed the top of your head.

You got up and turned to face him, tears already forming in your eyes.

"Come here, love." He grabbed you into a hug, making the tears finally fall. "It'll be alright, I'm here for you."



It made you cry harder.

The two of you stayed like that for a while, you crying into George's chest until your knees gave in. He held you like that, not even caring about how you looked or that you were sobbing uncontrollably into him, he just wanted you to not feel alone.

He cupped your face and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead then wiped your tears, your eyes locked but soon unlocked due to a knocking noise on your door.

"C-come in." You stuttered and George helped you up.

The door opened and you saw Charlotte with a box in her hands, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll be downstairs." George said and shut the door behind him, knowing you two needed some time alone.

"Char, what's wrong?" You asked and rushed over to her, grabbing her arms.

"Look." She mumbled and shoved the box into your hands then took a seat, burying her face in her hands.

Inside the box was a letter addressed to the two girls along with a separate letter for Miles.

The letter addressed to the girls read,
Open on July 3rd 1995, in private.

Dear my darling daughters, Charlotte and Jade,

Words cannot explain how sorry I am for doing this, but it is the only way to escape the pain. Charlotte, you would only be two when I leave you all, Jade you would be around two months old. Hopefully you two will find this when you can understand what I mean.

Your father is a terrible man, I want you two along with your brother to have no contact with him whatsoever. He has forced me to do many things I did not like, nothing sexual, he isn't like that. But because of him, I had a burning scar on my arm that moved everyday. The dark mark.

Micheal is not the man I knew, he is certainly not built to be your father in anyway possible. Your father is a killer. For your own safety, I will love for you kids to have absolutely no contact with your father. I want my kids to be safe even though I am no longer with you.

When you find this, you should have arrived in Grimmauld Place by now, an old friends home. I want you girls to know that your God parents are no longer with you and neither am I, if you need a new father figure then please don't be afraid to speak to Remus Lupin or Sirius Black. After all, they do owe me many favours from the last.

I love you two both so much, words can't show that emotion though. Please, never forget how sorry I am.

Love from your mother, Jane Evergreen.

You looked over and saw Charlotte had laid down in your bed crying even more, tears were falling into the parchment so you quickly wiped them and put the letter away.

"Charlotte.. please stay here tonight with me." You whispered and climbed into the same bed as her, not caring that it was George's.

"I promise, I can't be alone tonight and I don't think you can either." She agreed.

The girls stayed together the rest of the night, falling asleep in each other's arms whilst crying.

George, Fred and Miles all wondered into their room to see the two girls cuddled up together with tear stains on their faces and being fast asleep.

Whilst Miles was reading the letter he found addressed to him in the corner, George and Fred made sure the girls where comfortable.

They placed a box of tissues on the closest nightstand and made sure to check if you were both warm enough or too cold.

They both finally finished checking the girls, leaving them with a kiss to their foreheads each and went to bed.

A/N: I'm not the best at writing these types of letters, so I do apologise if it is bad. This is quite a sensitive subject so I'm glad this one particular chapter is done with! Hope you all enjoy<3

Word count: 1078

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