•Part two

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When you all arrived at Grimmauld Place the next day, the first thing you all saw was Sirius, Remus and Tonks near the front door waiting for their guests.

"And there they all are! Our favourite visitors." Tonks greeted you all with a hug, the same as Padfoot and Moony.

"We've changed up the house a little bit, made it more homely." Sirius told you all, leading the children upstairs. "Now pick a room, any room and it's yours!"

"And remember, no boys and girls in the same room!" Molly called from the room downstairs where her and Arthur were staying.

"Come on, Molly,at least let Jade, Miles, Fred and George share a room. They are nineteen this year after all." Remus called back to her as he walked down the stairs to come to terms with her.

"Jade, get in here and look at this room!" Miles called for you after running into the first room he had seen. You followed his voice and were met with a room with four beds, two desks and I lovely window view. This was were you wanted to spend your summer with your best friends.

After a while of looking around all the rooms and finding ones we want to stay in, Remus came upstairs to tell everyone that he had somehow convinced Molly to let both sets of twins to share a room.

This summer was going to be the best one of your life, you just had no idea about that yet. Who even does?

"Come on, we call dibs on this room!" The Weasley twins said in unison, running into the first room you saw to unpack.

Soon, the two sets of twins had all unpacked and where called for dinner by Molly. The four all went downstairs to see Remus covered in butterbeer and Tonks tripping on the floor, glass in hand. It was obvious she had fallen.

"Woah! You alright there, Tonks?" You helped the girl stand up properly, questioning her.

"I will be soon, Remus want me to get you some different clothes, sorry about what I done to them?" Tonks asked him.

"Oh don't worry, I've known you for a while now so I think I'm used to it!" He called while walking into his room to get some different clothes.

"So kids, who is even going back to Hogwarts this year then?" Sirius asked whilst pouring another glass of butterbeer for Tonks and an extra one for Remus.

"Well I am, so is Ron and Hermione!" Harry told his God Father.

"What about you, Ginny?" Sirius turned to see the youngest Weasley laughing at Tonks, who had just changed her nose into a ducks beak.

"What? Oh yeah! I am going back to Hogwarts too, don't really have a choice with mum!" Ginny said, downing a glass of apple juice.

"And finally, you four?" He asked the two sets of twins who were talking amongst themselves.

"Nope, me and George are going to open up a shop! Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, a joke shop!" Fred stated proudly.

"That's good, Diagonally needs a bit of brightness around lately with all the death eaters roaming this streets." Remus entered the room after changing his clothes and took a seat next to Sirius.

"Then me and Jade were thinking of becoming painters." Miles said, taking a bite out of his food.

You and Miles have always wished of being professionally painters when you grew up and painting beautiful portraits and pictures for people, you two just really enjoyed that. Especially seeing their smiles after the pair had finished their painting for them. Both very talented.

"Wait really?" George asked causing me to nod my head. "Maybe you two could do some painting for us at the shop? Portraits of me and Fred that move, maybe?"

"I would be down for that, Miles, what about you?" You turned to ask your twin, only seeing him stuffing his face in a roll.

He tried to say something but it was muffled out from the big roll in his mouth. Everyone laughed at that until Molly came in.

"Not at the dinner table, please kids!" She rolled her eyes but a small chuckle came out of her lips.

Dinner was lovely. Being around your old friends reminded you of how easy it was to be with them again, making you forget about how shit your past has been. Times like this, you treasured, knowing it might not last that long.

"Right kids, off to bed! It's getting late and we have a meeting." Molly shooed the children away from the table and out of the room. Casting a spell on the door after shutting it in their faces.

"Come on, let's try get some sleep." Miles wrapped his arm around you and walked upstairs with you still in his grip, wriggling out.

"Jade, sit still or I will have to tickle you!" Miles jokingly threw you onto your bed. You gave him a look.

"Look at him, acting like such a king after threatening his sister, his own flesh and blood, to tickle her!" You told Fred rolling your eyes at your twin brother.

Miles launched up at you and started to tickle you everywhere. When George had gotten out of the shared bathroom after getting changed, he exchanged a look with Fred and the two joined in on the tickle fight.

It went on for around five minutes until you all got a bit worn out and collapsed, George laying on you still, out of breathe, and Miles and Fred laying down in their own beds.

"Georgie?" You asked but noticed his eyelids fluttering shut.

"Great." You mumbled. "Someone help me out here, he fell asleep."

"Nah, I think we are good. Goodnight me dear sister!" Miles gave Fred a fist bump then the two turned the light off to go to sleep.

You ran your fingers through George's hair multiple times, seeing him smile as he cuddled up to you. Soon, you started feeling tired.

"Goodnight Georgie." You whispered to the red head laying on you.

"Goodnight, Jade, my love." He muttered back.

A/N: they aren't even dating but this is making me feel so single already. Is this too much to ask for, it's like the universe hates me!

Word count: 1056

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