•Part six

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Breakfast flew by like a flash. Everyone was just speaking about some top secret order work that had code names for everything.

Before anyone knew it, it was time to start cleaning up. Molly gave everyone assigned jobs and yours was cleaning Sirius' brother's office, leaving the filing cabinet untouched for Molly to sort the Boggart out.

"Right everyone, let's get started! Split up everyone!"

You went into the office and saw something you hated.

Your father was standing right in front of you.

You couldn't help but shake, there was a thought racing through your mind to run but you couldn't because it was as if you were frozen in shock.

He started walking towards you, throwing out spells at you with his wand until you were backed into a corner.

"You are such an ungrateful little shit. I gave you everything in life, you had a powerful life at my house and you chose to give it all up for a poor place with poor people." He yelled but nobody else other than you could hear.

"Please- stop." Tears were spilling out of your eyes.

"I should have killed you when you were born but you filthy mother stopped that from happening, so I hurt you instead." Father simply shrugged and told you before raising his hand.

He went to hit you, but something made him stop. Your siblings had appeared next to him, Charlotte holding his arm so he wouldn't hurt you and Miles was behind our father.

"If anyone gets to hurt her, it's me. But not physically." Charlotte smirked. "I have always been both mother and fathers favourites, you will never be better than me. You are worthless."

"Your the worst twin i could ask for, all you do is lay in bed day dreaming when you could be helping me with anything! You are a terrible person and I wish you had died in the womb." Miles admitted making you cry even more.

All those words that your siblings had said to you caused so much pain. They would never say those things.. what made them say it?

You had to get out of there.

Hoping to not give them the satisfaction of seeing you hurt, you ran out of the room and ignored everyone's questions.

You finally reached your room, ran inside and slammed the door shut. You broke down.

Throwing things across the room and then giving up, collapsing on the floor and sobbing against the wall into your Miles' jumper.

"Saw you run up here, what's wrong?" A voice asked and sat next to you on the floor.

You didn't even check who it was because you knew that voice anywhere, you just threw yourself into his arms and cried into his chest while he rubbed your back and comforted you.

"It's alright, love, I'm here." He whispered into your ear.

"It hurts, Georgie."

"What does, Jade?"

"They both said so much shit about me and it hurts so much.."

"Jade, tell me who."

"Miles and Charlotte."

"They were helping me and Fred though?"

"Then why were the in Regulus' office then."

"I don't- the Boggart!"

"It couldn't have been, I left it untouched.."

"Someone must of opened it or it might have been open still a bit." He hugged you tighter. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that alone, love."

"It's not your fault.. it's be being stupid and thinking it was actually real."

"Stop it!" He pulled away from you and stared into your eyes. "Stop talking bad about yourself, you didn't know!"

"I should have known though." You hurried your face into your hands.

"Shut up, your prefect." He laughed slightly and removed your hands so he could see your face again.

"George-" you were cut off by something completely unexpected.

George's lips were connected to yours and you didn't know what to do. You kissed him back until he pulled away, both of you slightly out of breath.

"I-I am so sorry, I don't know why I done that." He stuttered nervously.

"It's alright, I kind of enjoyed it." You admitted.

"Yeah.." He got up and walked over to the door hesitating. "Uh I should go.."

"Yeah we both should." You agreed and got up with him but walked out the door before him and winked.

You walked downstairs and saw that lunch was already laid on the table, ready to be eaten so you took a seat next to Ginny.

"Have you finished the office then?" She asked you and reached to get a sandwich.

"Actually no, there was a small uh-" you said but George finished for you.

"Problem, nothing to worry about though." He said and sat down.

"Yeah right, why does Jade have tear stains on her face then?" Ginny questioned.

"No clue." George lied.

"Don't give me that bullshit, did you hurt her or something? A girl doesn't cry that much other nothing!" Ginny stated.

"I didn't do anything! Why do you think I would do anything?" George asked and threw his hands up in defence.

"Maybe because of those letters I saw you sending when we first got her. Does Jade know yet?" Ginny said.

"Jade is sitting right here." You mumbled.

"No she doesn't.. and I want to keep it that why that's why I haven't told her yet!" George defended himself.

"I'll tell her then, shall I?"


"Did you know George has a girlfriend? He has been sending letters to her secretly ever since we first got her."

"It's not girlfriend, me and her are just friends."

"Actually I didn't know that, but if he actually does have a girlfriend then I feel so sorry for her." You admitted and got up.

"And why is that?" George asked.

"Because of what happened upstairs." You scoffed and whispered to him, before going upstairs yet again with a sandwich.

"You broke her." Ginny said sarcastically to George before following you, not knowing she would find you with a fresh set of tears.

If George actually had a girlfriend, or whatever he would call it, then you wouldn't stand a chance with him anymore. Everything you two had done together since you arrived here has been so special to you.. what if George didn't think that though?

"It will be alright, come here." Ginny entered your room and gave you a hug. "He is such a dick."

"He really is." You admitted and shared a laugh with Ginny.

A/N: gross I hate this chapter, it's so cringe imo. oh well

Word count: 1096

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