•Part seven

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Ginny spent that night comforting you, which you needed. Charlotte and Miles must of heard what your Boggart was from George because none of them had spoken to you since that day.

It had been a week since the house cleaning, and today was finally mail day. Everyone would receive their mail at lunch. Speaking of lunch, it was time for lunch right now.

Your thoughts were cut really short because of someone walking into your room.

"Lunch is ready, but before we go to lunch can I ask you something?" Miles asked.

"Of course, I wanted to talk to you as well so you go first." You said and faced him, he sat down next to you.

"What was your Boggart?" He asked. "I heard George telling Ginny that me and Char said something to you in your Boggart and I just want to know what it was."

"Well it was of father talking to me, he was being more harsh than he ever has. Then you and Charlotte appeared and started saying all this shit to me." You sighed. "It hurt, Miles."

"It would hurt me too, trust me. If my best friend was calling me all these names and saying this shit then I wound understand how you feel." Miles comforted you.

He hugged you and you two stayed like that for a while until Miles pulled away.

"Right, we need to go to lunch now." He said then got up and helped you up as well.

"Can't wait, I'm starving!" You said and ran out of the room, making Miles laugh and run after you. "Race you!"

"No fair! Wait up!" He called after you.

The two twins came running down the stairs, laughing and chasing each other. They both almost ran into multiple people in the house but just ignored it. Racing towards the table where everyone else was sitting, you both sat down almost at the same time but you beat Miles to it.

"How did you get here before me! I'm a faster runner than you, now fair." Miles crossed his arms and pouted.

"How are you two not out of breath? Your room is on the top floor!" Ginny was shocked.

"We have done lots of running in our life, Ginny, you get used to it." You said and that's when Mr and Mrs Weasley came in the room with the mail.

"Here you go Charlotte, Miles and Jade." Arthur handed us Evergreen siblings two letters each. "Here you go Tonks, and Sirius.."

It's like nobody was there after seeing who the letter was from. Your face automatically went pale knowing what this would be about. You looked up to see Miles and Charlotte's blank face expressions, they properly were expecting this too.

Dear Jade,

I know you have been expecting this letter for a while now, it's time you should finally receive it. I have send Miles another one of these just like yours, and Charlottes is a little different just so she would like it.

You rolled your eyes, he always treated Charlotte like his own child and you and Miles like a mistake that he wasn't even happy about at all.

Me and his father have been discussing this for a while now, and it's time you should meet who we want you to marry. Lucius Malfoy is one of my good friends, and he has a son as you should know, Draco Malfoy.

There is nobody other than young Draco that I want my daughter to be married to, after all the Malfoy's are obviously all pure-bloods and we should continue our family tree of pure-blooded families.

We will all meet together one day soon and start arranging the wedding very shortly. Lucius has had Draco write to you, so you should get his letter at the same time as this.

Do not let me down or there will be even worse consequences as usual.

Micheal Evergreen

Your blood was boiling. How dare your own father arrange a marriage with Draco Malfoy of all people.

In Hogwarts, Malfoy had always been a prick and now your father was expecting you to marry him like he isn't the dick he has always been. He was always bullying everyone, he even acted like he owned the place when you were in your third year and he was in his first.

You couldn't believe you had to do this, it's what had to be done though. For your own safety, and possible the people around you too.

"Miles.. who is yours?" You asked your brother, all three of you knew what letters each of you had gotten. It must of said it in their letters.

"Daphne Greengrass, never even met the girl." Miles sighed and threw his first letter in the bin that was placed in the corner of the room.

"I know her, she is a Slytherin in our year. We haven't actually spoken before though." Hermione spoke up then went back to talking with Ron and Harry.

"Awesome, she is two years younger than me." He sarcastically said and rolled his eyes. "How about you, Char, who did you get?"

"I got Zion Zabini, really nice if you ask me." She smiled.

Of course Charlotte had to marry her best friend, father knows his family and is good friends with the Zabini's. He has always wanted at least one of his children to marry a Zabini, either Blaise or Zion.

"At least you have someone you actually like, I got bloody Draco Malfoy." You screwed up the letter and threw it into the bin, angrily.

"Poor you." Miles said and got up. "Thank you for lunch, I'm going to finish the rest in my room. There's someone I need to write to."

"Anytime, dear." Molly smiled at him as he got up and walked up the stairs.

"I'm gonna go with him, I need to read another letter and also write back to them, and check how he is doing after this." You got up too. "Thank you, Mrs Weasley."

"How many times do I need to tell you kids! Please, call me Molly." She said with a laugh.

"Sorry, Molly." You corrected yourself and followed Miles up the stairs.

Word count: 1046

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