•Part sixteen

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You two continued to sing that song over and over again until Miles and you finally got bored and chose a new song.

After Miles had picked the next song, you two were dancing and singing almost at the top of your lungs together. That was until the door opened and voices were talking.

"So I was thinking, maybe we could-" Sirius and Remus walked in, holding a bunch of stuff but Remus quickly coughed before Sirius could say anything else. "There you two are!"

"Happy birthday you two, your presents from us are downstairs for you." Remus put the stuff down and threw his jacket over it, covering whatever was there. "Food is getting cold."

"Thank you, Remus." You and Miles both said in unison as Sirius zoned out.

"Happy birthday, kids." Sirius said. "I really hope you like the present, took a while for us to get it perfect."

"I'm sure we will, thank you, Sirius." You said as you and Miles hugged the two adults.

"Now go and eat, me and Sirius will be downstairs in a minute after we do this." Remus said and ushered you two out of the room and shut the door.

"Be quick!" Miles said and hit the door, making Sirius open it again.

"We will, go." Sirius said and shooed the two away again, shutting the door and the twins walked down the stairs.

When they finally reached the bottom floor, they were greeted with multiple people yelling and some confetti flying into your faces.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled in unison, holding confetti bombs, the Weasley twins holding some mini fireworks.

"Right, food or presents first?" Molly asked you two after giving both the twins hugs.

"Food!" You and Miles said in unison.

"Right then, we have almost everything for breakfast today." Molly guided everyone into the dining room. "Since nobody could find either one of you, we have everything you may want."

You took one look at the full table, you could hardly see any bit of the actual table, just food on plates. There was almost everything there, pancakes, normal cakes, waffles, cookies, eggs, toast, almost all types of breakfast food you could imagine.

"Molly, did you make this all just for us?" Miles asked and took a seat, but you stayed standing.

"Of course I did, had some help from the other kids but I done it because it's yours and Jade's birthday." Molly smiled.

"Hey, Jade." George whispered in your ear. "Can we go somewhere else? I want to give you something."

"Yeah sure." You told him as he left the room. "Me and George will be right back, thank you again."

"Anytime, dear." Molly said and everyone other than you rushed over to the table for breakfast.

You smiled and followed George into the living room, where he was sat waiting for you and holding a rather big bag.

"What's this?" You asked and sat down next to the boy.

"Your birthday present from me." He handed you the bag. "Don't open it yet! This is your present from me, but me and Fred have an extra special one for you later."

"Can't wait." You said.

"I also have to tell you something." George told you the turned to look at you properly, not looking into your eyes.

"Go ahead."

"I just wanted to say, I am so sorry, Jade. I really am. If I were you, I would want to know what happened to myself so badly, knowing that others know and I wouldn't would just crush me. I can't imagine how you feel right now and I probably never will, but I will always be here for you whenever you need to talk or just need someone, even as a friend. I know that if your mad at me then you don't need to even talk to me and you can just walk out right now if you want to-"

"George. I was never mad at you, I was just mad at everyone who knew for not telling me sooner. It happened to me and not you all, and I'm sorry if I was a bit hard on you but it was just hard for me in general."

"I know, and I am so sorry, love." He looked into your eyes as he said the words sorry and love, then cupped one of your cheeks with his left hand. "I also have something else to ask you now that's out of the way."

"What is it?"

"Do you know, how in love with you I am?"

"Wait- what? Y-your in love with me?"

"How can I not be? Your perfect, your everything anyone could ever ask for, Jade Jane Evergreen." He removed his hand from your face and grabbed your hand. "I notice everything about you, how you also squint your eyes when you first wake up, how you clench your jaw when your mad, how your heartbeat gets heavier and heavier whenever your happy, your eyes light up whenever one of your siblings has good news, you light up the entire room even if it's pitch black with your gorgeous smile."

George chuckled, thinking about all the things he has noticed about you and how in love with you he is. You smiled and laughed with him, at his loving look into your eyes.

"You are everything, my everything." George finally finished.

"George, I don't know what to say." You sighed. "I guess I never really noticed how much I love you, your my entire world. Ever since the first day we met, I knew that we would love each other forever. You all I could ask for and you do everything to try and help, that's what I love about you most."

"Jade, you didn't need to say anything." George said and smiled after hearing what you did say. "You just needed to smile, and that would make me happy."

You smiled again and so did George, both of you were a smiling mess and couldn't stop for a split second. He let go of your hand and started to play with your hair, not daring to break the eye contact.

"George? What are you doing-" you got cut off by something.


Soft lips.

George's lips.

George had kissed you. You were taken back at first, but quickly started to kiss back. Both of you smiling into the kiss as it got a bit more passionate, you had some time to think about things.

You loved George so much, and didn't even know when your love for him had even started. All you knew it that the love was there, wasn't leaving and was real.

Nothing mattered in this moment, just everyone's happiness.

You and George had kissed and expressed your love for each other. It was yours and Miles' birthday. Your birthday was going great, so far. Everything was great. Everyone was happy.

A/N: there will be quite a few chapters for the twins birthday I think, I have a few plans for it so I want to stick up to those plans!

maybe around three or four more chapters until the end of the story? I'm not sure if this would be the end though!

I really don't want this to end, pls no.

Word count: 1222

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