•Part eighteen

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"Damn it." Fred sighed, he didn't find out anything new for him sadly.

"Right, Fred time for you to give the twins your presents for them." Arthur told his son as the owner of the house, Sirius Black, and best friend, Remus Lupin, came down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Right, the room is finally finished for later!" Sirius clapped his hands then pulled a seat round so he could sit down to watch you and Miles open gifts.

"Sweet!" Tonks said and walked over to Remus, holding his hand. "I can't wait for you two to see what we've done for you."

"I'm scared now." Miles admitted.

"Yeah same." You said to everyone.

"Don't be, your going to love it!" Remus added in. "Hopefully."

"Here you go." Fred chucked you and Miles the gifts from him, hitting only Miles in the face.

Fred had gotten you a bracelet. A friendship bracelet. On the bracelet there was four initials. Miles had gotten the exact same bracelet, just in a different order. Fred and George had already gotten theirs on their wrist, somehow you hadn't noticed earlier.

J.E M.E F.W G.W.

All four twins. Jade Evergreen, Miles Evergreen, Fred Weasley and George Weasley. The four of you.

"If you don't like it I can swap it for-" Fred started but before he could say anything else, you had jumped into his arms, hugging him.

"Fred, I love it!" You pulled away and looked him in the eye. "Thank you."

"It's your birthday, a special birthday as well so I can just get the two of you food like I always do." Fred said and gave Miles a hug after Miles had thanked him.

"How about you two? Tonks, Remus, want to give the twins your gift for them?" Arthur asked.

"And me!" Sirius chipped in.

"Alright, Sirius quickly go and get the boxes for them please." Remus told him.

"Why can't you get it!" Sirius started to argue but gave up after nobody answered him. "Fine, I'll go and get it."

"Thank you." Tonks thanked.

"Just the two boxes?" Sirius asked.

"Just the two." Tonks answered.

With that, Sirius left the room to go up the stairs and get the gifts for you and Miles. There were two rather small boxes, one for you and one for him, and inside was a one present from Remus, Sirius and Tonks.

You had gotten a picture frame with a lovely picture inside. The picture was of a baby you, a baby Miles and a young Charlotte. Your father wasn't in the picture but your mother was, you couldn't remember when this happened.

Miles got a picture frame too with a really nice imagine already inside the frame. It was of all five of you, before your father started acting like he does and before your mother passed. When everyone was happy and smiling, happier than they all are now.

Around an hour went by of gift giving to you and Miles. You had gotten a jumper from Mr and Mrs Weasley, a bracelet from Fred, a photo frame from Tonks, Remus and Sirius. Some of the order members had gotten you and Miles a book about spells each, Charlotte gave you and Miles both a lovely card and some chocolates, like she always does.

Bill and Charlie sent over some dragon teeth and money for both of you, Ron, Harry and Hermione sent you and Miles some jelly beans. Ginny sent a perfect little care package, there was chocolates, clothes, jewellery, makeup and some Muggle products like a face mask and some nail polish. You never heard of those though so it would be fun to try them out.

George was going to give you your present earlier, but the two of you got a bit distracted and forgot about the gift. So, you hadn't found out what your boyfriend got you for your birthday yet, but will soon.

"Twins!" Arthur called out from the living room since some of the adults had moved in there to talk about something whilst everyone else stayed in the kitchen.

"Yeah?" You, Miles, Fred and George all called back.

"Actually, all four of you come in here!" Arthur called. "Bring Charlotte!"

"Let's go then." You got up and followed Charlotte into the living room.

Sirius, Tonks, Remus, Arthur and Molly were sat there with some wrapped up things, a few letters and even some boxes. The final presents.

"This," Sirius motioned to the smallest two boxes. "Is your present from your mother before she passed."

"She gave them to me and Sirius to give to you two twins for your eighteenth birthday." Remus added. "Want to open them?"

"Yes!" You and Miles said in unison and rushed to find out what was in the box.

You couldn't believe your eyes.

There was a tiny picture of one rather large house with one set of keys.

Your mother had left you a house for your birthday, and you couldn't believe it.

(this is how I am imagining the house, I can't think or find anything else but if you can then feel free to use that idea!)

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(this is how I am imagining the house, I can't think or find anything else but if you can then feel free to use that idea!)

"Oh my Merlin, is this for me?" Miles said and held up a pair of keys, the same as yours.

"For both of you, your mother left you a house to share together." Tonks smiled.

You and Miles both had bright smiles on your faces, you even felt some tears in your eyes as well, and Charlotte was so happy for you two.

Miles and you gave each other a hug then started talking about how you want the house decorated, ignoring that everyone else was there. That was until you were interrupted by Fred coughing, getting everyone's attention.

"This, is from me and George." Fred handed you a medium sized bag and gave Miles a matching bag too.

Inside the bag was a jade green spray bottle, inside the bottle was some sort of liquid but you had no clue what it was until George explained it.

"Jade, me and Fred got you a spray that means you can turn yourself to look similar to anyone you want." George said with a smile.

"Miles, yours is one of those Muggle finny glasses that you said you like but we changed it a bit so that it's an entire mask of you!" Fred said making you and Miles laugh, well it made everyone laugh. "And look, it's got your hair!"

"Good, my hair is pretty sexy." Miles said and you then messed his hair up.

"We were also thinking of making a small corner in our new shop that is just for you two, it will sell both of these things." George told you two, leaving you both in shock. "Only if you want to though."

"Is that even a question? Of course!" You said and grabbed George into a hug, Miles doing the same with Fred.

"I would love that." Miles said then pulled away from Fred expecting to hug George next but you were still in his grip.

"Thank you so much, I love it and I love you." You told George quietly so nobody else could hear you.

"Can I finally get a hug now?" Miles questioned you, who still hadn't let go.

"No, never."

Word count: 1222

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