•Part twenty

71 0 0

warning: drinking, knifes, blood, torture and kidnap


"Yes we do, dear brother." You copied his tone.

Everyone was having fun. Laughing, talking, playing catch with balloons, throwing food and even some of the adults and Charlotte were getting you and Miles your first legal shot. It was all fun, that was until what would happen later.

"Ready?" Charlotte threw her arms around you and Miles after placing two shots of fire whiskey.

"We were born ready." Miles and you said in unison with grins on each of your faces.

"Can't we take shots too?" Fred asked his parents.

"Yeah! We are both almost nineteen and these two just turned eighteen, how come we can't have a simple shot?" George joined the questioning.

"Fine, one each and one only!" Molly said, pointing her finger at each of her twins. "Sirius, can you please pour these two a shot."

"Fuck yes!" Sirius and Tonks said in unison, gave each other a high five and then poured two extra shots of fire whiskey.

"Language." Remus and Arthur warned the two.

You, Miles, Charlotte, Fred, George, Tonks and Sirius all took a shot of fire whiskey each since nobody else fancied one. Fred and George were only allowed one, you and Miles could of had three, Charlotte could of had there as well but then the door bell went off before you poured your second shot.

"I'll get it." You said and went downstairs to answer the door. "Hello?"

"Hello, daughter." Your father was standing there, with a familiar person who had guilty face.

Cassius Warrington.

That's when all your memories started flowing back into your mind. It was him. Cassius Warrington was the one that had raped you.

Everything was coming back to you now. How you were frozen there from a spell that your father casted. Your own father had left you in a room to get raped, you couldn't do anything about it.

Images were flying through your mind, images you would never be able to get out of your head now. You were shaking like mad, your vision had even gone blurry and it felt as if you couldn't breathe.

"We aren't here to cause any harm." You father said and walked inside, now standing directly face to face to you whilst Cassius was still stood outside. "We just want you to come with us."

"N-no. I won't ever go anywhere near you or your little buddy there." You stuttered and angrily pointed at the young boy outside.

"Tough luck, you don't have a choice. Your coming with us, my darling daughter." Your father, Micheal Evergreen, smirked and grabbed yours and Cassius' arm to apparate away.

You tried to fight out of his grip, but you gave up before he could apparate you two since you didn't want to get splinched.

"Having a good birthday, are we?" Your father chucked you into a pitch black room with nothing there other than a small chair in the middle of the room.

"I was but now you had to go and ruin it like you always do!" You yelled at him.

"Thats enough, stop talking." You father got his wand out and pointed it at you. "Incarcerous."

Ropes appeared around you, tying you to the chair in the middle and forcing you to stay there. Your father then mumbled a charm, making some tape form round your mouth. Getting rid of your ability to move or even talk.

You were trying to yell, scream for help, anything. It was no use, you could barely even hear yourself let alone have someone so far away hear you.

Soon, you were close to giving up on getting help. Every single time you tried to move, you couldn't.

"Silly girl, your not leaving here any time soon." Your father spat at the crying girl on the chair, then cast a spell on you.

The spell was one you hated being cast on anyone, even if they deserved it or not. Nobody should ever have to go through this pain, it was too painful.

"Crucio!" That was the spell.

It felt like your life was trying to escape form your body, but was failing miserably. All you had to do was fight this, you couldn't let your father get the satisfaction he wanted and needed.

That went on for what felt like hours, but was only half an hour. Your father was torturing you in the worst way possible.

"This is boring me now." Your father sighed and walked over to your chair, Cassius staying still. "Warrington, give me the knife."

Cassius nodded, didn't say anything, but walked up to your father and handed him a long and sharp knife.

"Ready?" Your father shooed Cassius away again and held the knife in his right hand, right above your thigh.

You tried to yell again, it was no use. All it done was make your father start laughing, that was until he stopped and caused you even more pain.

He had stabbed you right in your thigh, leaving the knife there and moving it around. It was still in your thigh.

At that moment, you did want to die just to get the pain over and done with. You were praying that someone could help you, anyone.

Your father done that continuous times, striking you with the knife just in that same spot of your thigh. The pain was too much, and you passed out. Just passed out, although you wished you had died in that moment.

Miles Pov

"Where the fuck did my sister go!" I yelled through the entire house after checking on Jade who was taking ages. I couldn't find her anywhere, the front door was open wide though.

"What?" Charlotte rushed down the stairs to see me pacing bath and forth. "Miles.. where is Jade?"

"I don't know!" I yelled at my sister. "I don't fucking know where she went, Charlotte!"

"Calm down, I'm sure she is here somewhere." Someone said as everyone walked downstairs, seeing now me and Charlotte pacing.

"Let's all split up, we need to find Jade as soon as possible." Fred said and everyone immediately started to run around the house, looking anywhere for my twin sister.

It was no use though.

Nobody could find her.

Word count: 1052

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