•Part nineteen

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"No, never."

"Rude." Miles rolled his eyes.

"Right, time for your present, Jade! But I want to give you it in private." George said and pulled away from the hug, giving Miles one.

"Wonder what it is." Fred said with a smirk, getting a hit on the head from George.

"Oh shut up, it's not like that." George guided you out of the room then moved his hands to cover your eyes.

"George!" You said with a laugh after he walked you into the table accidentally.

"I didn't hurt you, right?" He asked.

"No you didn't, just be careful next time! I don't care about me, just you watch where your going." You said as George guided you inside an unknown room.

When he uncovered your eyes, there was a completely empty room with only a box in the middle. A red, heart shaped box.

Inside the box was a small book, the book said what I love about us on the front in centre. When you opened the book, there was many moving photos of you and George. The oldest one was from the first day you met and the most recent one was from yesterday.

As you turned all the pages, there was lots of words on there. Each word was one reason of why George loves you. It was so sweet.

You were almost crying, tears were forming in your eyes as you flicked through the pages. Suddenly, you felt a chin on your shoulder, you then glanced over your shoulder to see a smiling George there, arm round your waist.

"Do you like it, darling?" He asked you and kissed your neck lightly.

"I love it, Georgie." You replied and turned to face him. "And I love you, so much."

"Not as much as I love you."

"Way more."

"Not possible."

"Oh, it is possible."

"It's very much impossible."

The two of you then sat down and started to look at the book together, your head on George's shoulder as he turned the pages for the two of you. It was times like this that you never wanted to end. Your time with the love of your life.

"You know." George spoke up. "We are quite similar if you think about it."

"How is that?" You looked up at him.

"We are both just similar, both the left out twin." He said and wrapped his free arm around you.

"But still the coolest twin, though." You said.

"Always." He said

George then moved to lay down in between his legs, playing with your hair using one hand and gazing into your eyes.

"That's one of the reason why I made this book." He put the book down. "Just to prove how much I love you, and Merlin it is a lot."

"You don't understand how in love with you I am, George Fabian Weasley." You told him, sat up and cupped his face.

"I think I do, Jade Jane Evergreen." He gave you a loving kiss, short but full of love.

"Come on, someone is going to think that we are doing something else in here."

"Why can't we?" You suggested but George laughed it off and helped you up. "I wasn't kidding."

"I know you weren't." He opened the door for you, letting you leave first. "But we can do that later, it's your birthday so we need to make the most of it."

"Everyone! Upstairs to the top floor, first room on your left!" Sirius yelled to everyone in the house, as loud as he could.

"Be quiet!" Remus shouted back and you heard an apparating noise, probably Sirius himself.

You and George exchanged a look and started to head to that exact room, the same one you and Miles danced in earlier this morning.

As the two of you walked inside, you were both met with a surprise of confetti flying in your faces. Then you two finally walked inside properly and saw lots of balloons, some birthday banners and even a table with food and snacks covering the entire tabletop.

After a while of talking, eating and laughing amongst everyone, lots of people in the room had engaged in their own private conversations. Everyone other than you and Miles, so you moved over to him, he was sat on the floor, and sat next to him for a nice talk.

"Is this all for us?" You asked your twin brother, who had seen the room before you.

"Yeah." He said and put his arm round your shoulder. "I didn't believe it at first, but it's all for us!"

"This feels like the most real birthday we have ever had, it's never been this lively before." You whispered to him.

"I know, it's hard to actually believe that it's real." He said. "I'm so glad it is though."

"Miles, I feel like I haven't done this in absolutely ages." You turned to face him properly, earning a groan form him since he probably know what has going to happen. "But guess what."

"Do I even want to know?" He removed his arm from your shoulders.

"Yes, you do now." You replied.

"Fine, what is it then, my dear sister?" He asked you.

"I'm older than you." You said then smiled.

"Oh shut up." He paused, thinking of something to defend himself with. "That just means your going to die before me, your old."

"If anything, I don't think that me being eight minutes older than you would have anything to do with me dying." You rolled yours eyes and shoved his arm back round your shoulder.

"I do, though." He said back, and removed his arm yet again.

"You might be right, you might not be." You moved his arm back in the place again. "Let's hope nobody knows when I'll die any time soon, hopefully I don't die soon."

"Don't worry, we still have many years and great birthdays ahead of us, dear sister." Miles smiles and said dear sister in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes we do, dear brother." You copied his tone.

A/N: sorry this chapter has taken longer to publish, I've had no idea what to write for it!

Word count: 1034

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