•Part twenty one

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warning: rape, knife wounds, blood, kidnap, torture


Still a Miles Pov

It was like a full on search party for my sister.

Everyone was running around the house and outside the house trying to find one person and one person only. Jade Jane Evergreen.

Nobody had seen her since she left to answer the door, no one had even heard her leave or even any voice coming from the bottom floor.

Nothing at all.

Not even a trace of her anywhere, literally no one could find anything to where Jade had disappeared to but I was determined to find out.

Even if that meant risking my own life. I needed to find my sister and make sure she was alright. I just had to.

I already failed her once, I can't let her down again. I just can't.

"Everyone come here!" Remus yelled, he was standing at the front door with his wand held out. "I think I know where she went."

With that, everyone rushed over to where Remus was and circles around him. Questions were flying from every direction, demanding to know where Jade was and what Remus found.

"See this." He motioned to a spell cast from his wand, it was some sort of blue scroll with names on it. "This is what you find after someone has apparated before in this exact spot, says their name and everything too."

"I remember this, we used it after Reggie's death. You can find everything, who apparated, where they went and even when they left." Sirius said and looked at the scroll, then a sigh left his mouth.

"What?" I questioned him. "Sirius, if there is something you aren't telling us about my sister-"

"Miles, calm down." Charlotte warned and then pointed at the scroll, a very familiar name. "It was him."

"No. He would t take his own daughter, father wouldn't do that." I shook my head in disbelief.

"He would, Miles, and you know that." Char told me, I didn't want to believe her even though I knew it was true though.

"Can someone tell me what is going on? Where did my girlfriend go?" George spoke up.

"Woah- girlfriend?! Since when?" Fred now had a very confused look on his face.

"Who cares-" George started.

"I do." Fred shrugged.

"Well I don't right now, just tell me where she went!" George demanded.

"Micheal took her." Micheal Evergreen, their father." Sirius motioned to me and Charlotte with no face expression.

End of Miles' Pov and back to Jade's Pov

There was still multiple knife wounds in your leg, but a few more than before. You had been hit with the Cruciatus Curse several times, too many to count.

Still passed out but still praying someone would find you soon since the pain was still too much. Somehow, it was like you could still feel the pain, the torture that that one spell was causing you.

You were woke up, surprisingly, by yet another spell but this one was to actually wake you up.

"We need to move you to another room, it's going to be a lot easier if you are awake." Your father said and walked over to Cassius, telling him something. "Get her."

"Yes, Sir." Cassius nodded and walked up to you, picking you up and carrying you out of the room to another, dark and dull room.

Cassius followed your fathers orders which were to place you down on the floor and untie you. As he did you ripped the tape off of your mouth and threw it behind you, immediately you tried to get up and do anything but the pain in your thigh stopped you.

Clutching your thigh with tears in your eyes, you let out a sob as Cassius started heading towards you after your father told him to do so. You knew what would most likely happen again now.

"No, no, no, no.. please don't do this!" You begged, now sobbing to nobody.

Cassius had reached you, automatically throwing your shirt off as your father left the room, locking the door behind him. He had a guilty face again, like the one you saw earlier at Grimmauld Place and the same one you saw when all your memories came flooding back to you.

It was like.. he regret it.

"I'm sorry." Cassius muttered, loud enough for you to hear but quiet enough so your father couldn't hear if he was listening.

That was the second time he done it to you.

The second time and hopefully the last time that Cassius Warrington had raped you.

You promised yourself it wouldn't happen again but somehow you managed to fail yourself again.


He had dressed you after and then left the room, that's when your father came in again. This time holding a much bigger and sharper knife in his hand.

"Hope you learned your lesson." He gave you a sarcastic smile and crouched down to your height.

You were sat on the floor, face in your arms and your arms were over your knees. Knees held up against your body, praying to not look at your father until he forced you to.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Your father demanded and grabbed your chin, making your sobbing body face his evil body.

"Why are you doing this?" You whispered to him.

"Speak up." He ordered you.

"Why are you doing this to me?" You now shouted at him, making you sob even more than before.

"To teach you a lesson." Your father replied.

"Why! What did I even do to you?" You asked your father, regretting his answer.

"You killed my wife." He yelled in your face, anger everywhere. "She killed herself because of you and Miles!"

"No... no she didn't.. she couldn't!" You shook your head in denial.

"Yes you did, and I am going to make you pay for it." He said that and now shoved the knife into your stomach.

You gasped at the pain and he pulled the knife out, threw it behind you and left the room. Immediately, you held your stomach and where the wound was.

It hurt you so much.

Word count: 1034

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