•Part nine

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warning: rape

A/N: I apologise for the chapter already, I've got no clue where I even thought about anyone doing this to Jade but I'm sorry😩

Today was finally the first of September, time for everyone other than the two sets of twins and Charlotte, of course the adults too, to go back to Hogwarts. All the Weasley's were going to send their kids, Hermione and Harry off to go to the express.

Everyone would be out of the house, since Remus and Tonks were going someone for a surprise they had and Sirius was going with the Weasley's because Harry was there. None of the other order members or anyone else would be home, so you were there all alone for a while.

Miles and Charlotte would also be out of the house because they had been sending letters back and forth to Daphne and Zion. Recently, they agreed too all meet up, so the two were going to go and see them for the day or even more.

"Right, you have the house to yourself for a bit, Jade." Mr Weasley said as everyone was now stood at the front door getting ready to leave.

"Look after yourself, and definitely be safe now that there are death eaters everywhere." Mrs Weasley ordered you and hugged you.

"I will, don't you worry." You assured her and everyone else.

"We'll be back soon." Miles said.

"Yeah, don't worry about us and enjoy a bit of a break from our crazy life here!" Charlotte told you.

"I will, now go all of you i don't want any of you being late all because of me!" You demanded, everyone shortly left after.

With everyone leaving the house, it gave you time to write some letters for people. You needed to write Draco back since he had sent you another letter, you two have been doing this ever since you found out about the marriage that was meant to happen.

Being all alone gave you some time think about everything that was on your mind.

Recently you had been thinking back to June this year when you heard Fred talking about with George, Fred was crying and George was comforting him. You asked George about it earlier on that day as he said that a small amount of time isn't enough to explain it all, so he would tell you another time.

You decided to go to sleep for a bit, since you were tired and couldn't sleep that previous night. Half way through your nap, you heard a loud bang then some whispers.

It woke you up but you just shrugged it off assuming that everyone was back home already, but they weren't. It was too early for them to be home at this time. One of your biggest mistakes was not doing anything about the noise and voices you heard.

There it was again, the noises were constantly there and not leaving any time soon. They were continuous for around an hour, you tried to get up to check them but it was like you were frozen. You weren't moving even if it was to the side a little bit, you were frozen still.

You were trying to force yourself to move, but it was no use. Somehow, you were now able to move to the side but it was like all your strength to jump out of your bed was gone.

Struggling, you heard someone chuckle. You were able to turn your head, so you did to see your father standing at by your door next to someone in a mask, their hair was familiar though. Cassius Warrington.

He was a Slytherin in your year, meaning he left Hogwarts the same year as you. Never in all of your seven years in the school had you ever had one good conversation with him, he was always being such a prick to you and your friend. Especially Miles.

Him and Charlotte had some bad history, she hated to talk about it and nobody knew why, not even your or Miles. She would always change the subject whenever his name was bought up and she always started shaking and ran out of the room if she saw even a small glimpse of Warrington.

"Stunning spell, surprised?" Your father chuckled again at the sight of his struggling daughter. "I've seen some of your letters sent to young Malfoy, your plan will not go ahead I hope you know that."

You had started to shake badly. Your father knew about the plan you and Draco had come up with and it was time to pay the price.

"W-what are you going to do to me.." you stuttered earning a laugh from your father again.

"Me? I won't do anything to you, that's why young Warrington is here." He patted the younger boys shoulder and pushed him into the room. "I'll leave you two to it then, have fun."

With that, your father had left the entire house and left you and Cassius all alone. Cassius had started to approach you slowly, he had a plain expression on his face but anyone could notice he did not want to do what he had to do.

He had reached you, grabbed your frozen body in his grip and started to undress you. The night was filled with you begging for help while Cassius was silent the entire time, not even a small noise coming out of his mouth.

Your throat had started to ache because of your yelling that you gave up, there was no use. Nobody had gotten home yet and nobody in any other house nearby would be able to hear your screams and shouts.

Your body was aching as well, the pain was too much and before you know it, you were passed out on the bed.

That was it.

Jade Evergreen was raped by Cassius Warrington.

Micheal Evergreen got what he wanted.

His daughters happiness was gone, or so he thought.

A/N: I just want to say that this is a very sensitive subject and if this or anything else like this has ever happened to you or someone you know, then please do reach out to someone to get it sorted out. If anyone needs to talk, message me on tiktok .freddieswifeyyy

Stay safe out there, loves!

Word count: 1062

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