•Part seventeen

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A/N: this is probably going to be really bad and basic, but why not! for the plan I have I want to have Jade and George do something before ;)

warning: very very bad small bits of smut

You and George had kissed and expressed your love for each other. It was yours and Miles' birthday. Your birthday was going great, so far. Everything was great. Everyone was happy.

After you and George had finally pulled away from each other with bright smiles on your faces, you both talked about things for a while. The two of you had to stop talking because everyone else was still eating in the dining room and you had both forgotten about that.

"Come on, let's go." You said with a smile and got up, George done the same.

"Wait no, there's something else I want to do and tell you." George stopped you before you could leave the room, but he locked the door and cast a spell that you didn't hear.

"Another thing?" You questioned. "What else could there be."

"This." He kissed you very passionately once again until he pulled away. "Jade, I love you so much and I want you to be my girlfriend."

"Of course, Georgie." You kissed him and after a very short time, he picked you up and carried you over to the wall, your arms above your head.

The two of you were getting even more passionate by the second. You were pinned against the wall by a bookshelf, with your arms over your own head, and George was leaving trails of kisses down your neck.

"Are you sure?" George pulled away from your neck and looked you in the eye, you nodded. "No, Jade I need actual words."

"Yes, George." You told him. "Please, I just need you."

"So desperate already?" He smirked and went back to kissing you, your lips all the way down to your neck and soon your shirt and bra were lost on the floor.

George had started to suck and kiss all over your neck, making you moan against his own neck which also made you feel him smirk into your neck.

The two of you stayed like that for a long time, you pinned to the wall under George's command and a moaning mess. He had carried you over to the couch again and was currently on top of you. You were fiddling with his Jean buttons, trying to undo them until you finally succeeded.

"Please." You begged, out of breath. "Georgie please, I need you."

"So wet just for me?" He smirked after he had reached down to touch you, making you moan loudly under him.

After almost an hour of moaning and love making, you and George were cuddled up together on the couch.

"George! Jade! Food's cold, aren't you two hungry?" Molly yelled.

"Stop having sex and come eat dinner- OW!" Fred shouted to the two of you, then you and George heard Miles laugh after hearing a bang.

"Should we go and eat then?" You asked George.

"I just want to stay here with you." George said, his face in your neck making you feel the vibrations of his voice shiver down your body.

"We have to eat." You told the boy.

"Fine, think you can walk?" George asked and sat up facing you.

"I think so." You guessed and George helped you stand up, luckily you were able to.

"Thank Merlin, now let's go." George said and the two of you left the room with bright smiles on your face.

George laced your fingers together as you two walked into the dining room but everyone else was now in the kitchen, so they could really see you.

"George?" You whispered, questioning his actions. "What are you doing?"

"They need to know your mine." George whispered. "Plus with that hickey that magically appeared on your neck and you chest, it's pretty obvious that your mine and mine only."

"Wait? You left hickeys on my neck?" You asked him quietly and turned around so nobody could see your neck and chest.

"Of course, nothing a little makeup can't fix." George smirked.

"Just give me your jumper, it covers my chest at least then I'll cover my neck with my hands." You told him.

"Here you go." He handed you his jumper and you chucked it on, then the two of you connected hands again and walked into the kitchen.

"Finally, what did you two even do?" Charlotte asked and handed you a drink.

"Thank you, and we were just.." you trailed off, trying to think of something to say. "Talking, just talking about Hogwarts."

"They had sex it's so obvious, look how out of breath Jade is!" Fred joined in, earning himself a light hit on the back of the head from Molly and a hard punch on the shoulder by George.

"She isn't even out of breath!" George said and rolled his eyes. "Plus we wouldn't have sex, yet."

George whispered the yet part and you laughed then took a seat on the side of the counter, right next to Miles, and laid your head on his shoulder. You both smiled at each other.

"Ready for your presents then? Jade and George you two can eat whilst we open them!" Tonks suggested.

"Sure!" Miles said then Molly and Arthur handed both of you a present.

It was shaped weirdly, like a piece of clothing. Miles opened his at the same time as you.

Once you opened yours, you saw a jade green coloured jumper with a white J in the centre on yours. You looked over to Miles with a smile on your face and saw a red jumper with a M in the middle, his favourite colour.

"I love it! Thank you so much!" You got down from the counter and hugged each of the married Weasley's.

"Thank you, both of you." Miles pulled the jumper over his head before hugging the older couple.

"Come on, Jade, let's see it on!" Fred said, with a small smirk hoping to find out some more information about why you and George took so long.

"Alright then." You said, hesitatingly. "George, can you-"

"Yeah I can." He pulled his wand out, knowing what you were asking him to do, cast a spell on your hickeys so they would disappear for enough time to swap your jumpers.

He cast the spell and your hickeys disappeared for around a minute, enough time for you to put your new jumper on to match with Miles.

"Damn it." Fred sighed, he didn't find out anything new for him sadly.

Word count: 1111

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