•Part fifteen

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A/N: I can't think of any other songs that aren't about lovers but are about sibling love, so I used a more modern song!


October thirty first.

Jade Evergreen's eighteenth birthday.

Miles Evergreen's eighteenth birthday.

The Evergreen twins birthday.

Today was a special day for you and your twin, both of you had been waiting for this birthday in particular for ages now. Ever since you were young, you and Miles had always talked about how you want a party and a special day for this day since you were now legally adults.

This day could be the best day of your life, or not. It could go horrible wrong or it could go amazingly. Hopefully it would go good though.

Right now, you and Miles were currently the only ones awake. You both were never able to sleep on your birthday, so you would always meet up in your house somewhere, cast a silence charm on the room and have a singing and dance party together.

Miles and you were facing each other in your beds whilst Fred and George were still sleeping silently in their own beds, facing upwards. George and you were still not talking but you and Fred were talking. He helped you that night when you first found out and has been there for you if others haven't or couldn't ever since.

"Miles." You whispered, getting his attention again after he zoned out from thinking of something.

"Jade." He whispered back.

"What do you want to do?" You looked at him with a smirk, hoping his answer was have a dance party together.

"I think you already know." He smirked and sat up in his bed. "I'm picking the first song, go get that Muggle disco light while I get the radio!"

"Race you to it!" You said a little too loud and jumped up to find the disco light.

Once you found the disco light and Miles found the radio, you both met up downstairs in the living room to start talking about where you are having the mini twin party.

"How about in that office?" Miles suggested but you shook your head no.

"Too many bad memories for my liking." You shrugged.

"What about Regulus' old room? That hasn't been used for ages!" Miles stated.

"We can't just use his old room for a party, how about that spare, empty room that Sirius was talking about the other day?" You asked him.

"Oo yes, that's on the top floor." Miles got up from an armchair he had sat in. "Follow me."

The two of you tiptoed up the stairs multiple times to reach the top floor. The room was completely empty, the walls and corners were covered in fluff or cobwebs.

"Gross." You muttered and pulled your wand out.

With a simple charm, the room was spotless. If someone walked in, it would be like a fresh room that nobody had ever been in. You also remembered to cast a silence charm on the room so nobody in the house would wake up.

"Help me put this thing up." Miles motioned towards the disco light and the two of you tried to turn it on but failed miserably.

From trying to sort the light out, the two of you had much more fun than expected. You ended up falling off of Miles' shoulders since neither of you could reach the light where you wanted it, making you both fall into a laughing fit.

It was now getting hard for the both of you to breathe, because of your laughter, and you finally managed to calm down. That was until you both looked each other in the eye, and the laughter was back.

After a while, you two had stopped laughing and finally managed to set the disco light up as well as the radio. It was finally time for the dance party to take action.

"What song are you going to choose now then?" You asked Miles and lent against the wall while he was fiddling with the radio.

"Our song." He smiled and carried on messing around with the buttons after not using the radio for a long time. "Turn it up please."

"Fine." You nudged him out of the way and turned the sound all the way up, which made you finally realise the song.

The song was yours and Miles' song.

The song you two danced to at your first Evergreen ball, a dance hosted for rich Pure Blood families to attend to.

It had been yours and Miles' song ever since, and the two of you would listen to it whenever you got the chance to.

Hey Brother - Avicii

"Hey, brother, there's and endless world to rediscover." You sang with a smile.

"Hey, sister, know the waters sweet but love is thicker." Miles sang, also with a smile.

"Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you." You both sang in unison to each other and the radio. "There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do."

You two spent a long time laughing, singing and dancing to many different styles of songs. Everyone in the house would be awake by now, but neither of you cared.

The only thing that you two cared about right now, was having the time of your life with each other.

"What song now?" You asked and sat down trying to catch your breath after dancing for ages, non stop.

"I don't mind, you can pick this time." Miles sat next to you, copying your actions and pushed the radio towards you. "It's only fair, I chose that last song."

"Alright." You started to think about a song choice, many songs flew through your brain until you finally though of a good one. "How about this."

You played your mother's favourite song.

Home - Edward Sharpe and Magnetic Zeros.

"Oh hell yes." Miles got up and pulled you with him. "Alabama, Arkansas."

"I do love my ma and pa." You sang.

"Not the way that I do love you."

"Well, holy, moly, me oh my."

"Your the apple of my eye."

"Girl, I've never loved one like you."

"Man, oh man, your my best friend."

"I scream into the nothingness."

"There ain't nothing I that I need."

"Well, hot and heavy, pumpkin pie."

"Chocolate candy, Jesus Christ."

"Ain't nothing please me more than you."

"Oh home, let me come home."

"Home is wherever I'm with you."

"Oh home, let me come home."

"Home is wherever I'm with you."

You two continued to sing that song over and over again until Miles and you finally got bored and chose a new song.

A/N: I know it's not October 31st right now, but who's cares.


Word count: 1130

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