•Part thirteen

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George Pov

"What is even happening?" Was the first thing Remus said after he led us four into an old, abandoned room in the house.

"How much do you know?" Sirius asked me.

"Everything." I said. "I know that Jade was raped and I know that none of you are fucking doing anything about it!"

"You think we don't want to help her? She is my twin sister and my best friend of course I want to bloody do something!" Miles shouted at me.

"Then do something! She is my fucking best friend too just do anything!" I yelled back at him, Miles then tried to jump at me but Charlotte held him back.

"Miles!" She warned him and sat him down on a broken chair in the room.

"We get it, everyone here is pissed because of what happened to Jade." Remus sighed. "I know I am, but none of us can get through our anger by starting fights between each other.

Remus glared at me and Miles, who both had our jaws clenched and hands in a fist.

"Remus is right, we can't just start random little fights between you boys because you want to protect Jade." Sirius said.

"Well everyone failed at that didn't they." Miles said shakily. "I made a promise to her when we were just kids that I would protect her no matter what."

"Miles-" Charlotte started.

"I failed her." He said, now with tears in his eyes.

"Miles nobody failed her, we just couldn't prefect her this time." Charlotte said, also with tears forming in her eyes.

"I can't wait until I get my hands on Warrington, I will-" Sirius started and held his hands out, like he would be strangling someone.

"Wait, Warrington?" I asked in shock.

"Cassius Warrington." Remus confirmed.

"As in Charlotte's best friend? That Cassius?" I asked them all, knowing they already knew the answer.

"No. He is not my friend, at all." Charlotte said with some anger and hurt in her voice. "Especially not after what he done to my own sister."

"Charlotte-" Miles spoke.

"Miles, not now." Charlotte said, knowing what he was going to say already.

"But they need to know, Char." Miles argued.

"Miles I said no. I don't want anyone knowing and the only reason you do is because you used a truth potion on me." Charlotte argued back.

"Knowing what?" Sirius asked.

"Charlotte if there anything else has happened then we need to know in order to sort this entire situation out." Remus told the girl.

"She was fucking raped!" Charlotte screamed, letting all her anger get out and she burst into tears. "How can anything sort this out."

Charlotte was now sobbing on the floor after her knees gave in, which made Miles want to cry too at the sight of his sister in pain. He was now by her side, comforting her in a hug, until we heard a knock at the door.

"Shit." Sirius mumbled.

"Language, Sirius." Remus whispered.

"Not the time, Remus." Sirius whispered back and I opened the door.

Stood there, was a girl who looked like she had seen a ghost. Jade was standing at the door and was already shaking lots, about to cry.

"Charlotte.. what did you just say." Jade said with a bit of worry in her voice.

"J-Jade." Charlotte wiped her tears and got up from the floor, walking over to her but Jade just backed away from her with a shaking hand in front of her, pointed at Charlotte.

"No, what did you just say Charlotte!" Jade said, but already knew the answer.

"What did you hear?" Miles asked.

"I-I was.." Jade said and I nodded, which made a cry leave her mouth.

I couldn't handle the sight of everyone in pain, Sirius and Remus almost had tears in both of their eyes, Charlotte was still breaking down and so was Jade. Miles was their brother, he had to try and help them but nobody knew how. It was as if the entire world was breaking, all because of one person.

Cassius fucking Warrington had ruined our entire world, Jade's world, and she didn't even know it yet.

Jade had started to shake a lot more than she was before, she was now crying more as I had expected. I just pulled her into a hug, I needed to support her right now. All I wanted was for her to stay there, or let just anyone comfort her, but she pushed me away and ran out of the room.

"Jade!" I called after her.

"No!" She cried back and ran somewhere else.

End of George Pov and back to Jade Pov

We were all still eating after the five had all left the room, Molly had sent Jade to go get them since they had been taking ages.

"What is taking them six so long?" Molly wondered.

"Not sure." Fred shrugged.

"Have you heard from Charlie lately?" Arthur asked his wife.

"Actually I haven't, he should be here one day soon though." Mrs Weasley said. "Tonks do you mind going to check on them all?"

"Not at all-" she went to get up but Fred beat her to it.

"I'll do it." Fred said.

"Are you sure?" Molly asked.

"No it's alright." Fred said and left the room to find out why they are taking so long.

He had looked around for a while, but he stopped in his tracks after hearing a broken sob. You was sat in the corner of your room crying, something must of affected you badly. Nobody had ever seen you like this, everyone had always known you as strong and always had a smile on your face.

"Jade." Fred said and sat down next to you, grabbing your arms and hugging you. "What happened?"

"I-I- he.. Fred it hurts."

"It's alright, I understand that whatever this is it's hard for you to say." Fred whispered in your ear and rubbed your back.

Word count: 1002

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