•Part five

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You woke up the next morning and looked around to see if anyone else was awake, but only one bed was empty.


Groaning, you got out of bed carefully making sure to not wake up Charlotte or anyone else, especially Charlotte though.


That's what you could hear when you took a step downstairs. At first it was nothing, then you heard the sound of the sink turning on and water running.

"Didn't expect to see you here." A voice said as you entered the kitchen, you turned to see George sitting down on the counter with a glass of water in his hands.

"Can say the same to you." You replied and sat down right next him.

"Why are you awake, Jade?" He asked and handed you his water.

"I'm alright thanks, but I don't know. I just woke up from a bad dream." You shrugged.

"So a nightmare?" He asked.

"Not really, it wasn't scary.. just upsetting." You replied.

"Do you want to talk about it, you know, it always helps." He nudged you.

"It was about my parents. If my mother was still alive then what would my father to do her, or us.." you were starting to think the worst because of your dream, George clearly noticed because he laid his hand against your thigh and gave you a smile.

"Jade don't worry, your father can't hurt you or your siblings anymore." He comforted you. "Now why don't you try get back to bed, you look really tired."

"Thanks George." You rolled your eyes sarcastically.

"I-I didn't mean it like that-" he stuttered nervously and rubbed the back on his neck.

"I know you didn't, don't worry. I just don't think I would be able to sleep now." You reassured him.

"Then neither can I, come sit with me." He jumped off of the counter and grabbed your hand to pull you off with him.

He took you into the living room, started the fire with a quick charm and you two sat down before cuddling up together.

Once again, there was silence. It was a nice silence though, peaceful.

"Oh I almost forgot, there was something I wanted to show you!" You said and jumped up suddenly.

"What is it?" George questioned as you went over to the bookshelf in the corner.

"It's a book. Found it!" You called and pulled out a book from the shelf. "I was in here the first day we got here, and I found this book. Thought you might like it."

"Reading? Clearly got the wrong twin, Fred loves the books not me." He teased and a fake frown grew on his face.

"No he doesn't, he hates reading, always have. But you however, loves to read." You said and sat down, cuddling up to George again who now had a smile back on his face. "I know my twins very well."

"That you do, I was just teasing you when I said that." George wrapped his arm around you and put his head on your head, making you smile. "What's this book then?"

You told George all about the book then started to read it to him, he had started to fall asleep at the sound of your quiet voice and you noticed.

Shutting the book, you gave him a kiss on his head and placed the book down. You grabbed a blanket that was on the small coffee table and put it around you two.

George had now officially fallen asleep and moved to lay his head on your lap. You started playing with his hair which made him smile in his sleep, making you smile too.

You felt yourself drifting off to sleep, so you let your eyelids drop down before falling into a deep sleep.

Again, you and George were woken up by a flash in your faces. Both your eyes opened to see Miles with Fred's camera in his hands, a photo printing out of it.

"Cheese?" Miles placed the camera down and waved his hands around.

"First Fred, now you? Why can't we just sleep in peace." You groaned making Miles and George both laugh, George rolled over to face your stomach and tried to fall asleep again.

"We have a big day of cleaning now get your lazy arses up!" Miles ruffled your hair and then George's, then left the room with the picture.

"Right, Georgie we need to get up now." You played with his hair again as he groaned into your stomach, sending vibrations up your entire body and giving you butterflies.

"Do we have to? Can't we just stay here.. forever." He said in a low voice, his morning voice.

"Nope, let's get up!" You ordered making him groan once again and climb off of you.

He offered you his hand, which you happily took and he pulled you up. Walking into the kitchen, you saw lots of order members sat down at the table discussing something.

Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks, Mundungus Fletcher, Alastor Moody, Bill Weasley, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Fleur Delacour and lots more than you had never met.

"Ah, looks like we have some guests for breakfast." Remus noticed you and George had entered the room, you two were followed by Fred and Miles, then Ginny and Harry.

"Ron and Hermione are still sleeping." Harry muttered.

"Alright, now take a seat I think we are done with this meeting, don't you?" Sirius asked Kingsley.

"Yes I do, now remember there is a Boggart trapped in the drawer in your filing cabinet, Sirius." Kingsley grabbed his hat and stood up.

"Oh I can sort that out for you, Sirius." Molly said and placed some waffles on the table.

"Are you sure, Molly? I know you've had a hard time with a Boggart before." Sirius asked.

"Of course, I've defeated one before so who says I can now?" She smiled and now placed some juice and pancakes in the centre of the table.

"Alright then-" Sirius started before Hermione and Ron stumbled into the room, both yawning.

"Why are you two awake so late?"

"Well me and Ron fell asleep last night playing the piano!" Hermione said whilst laughing at the thought, making the room full with laughters.

Word count: 1051

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