•Part eleven

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warning: rape/rape mentions

A/N: We finally get to know why Charlotte acts like this about Cassius Warrington.

Charlotte Pov

It was as if the world was going silent. Loosing it's happiness.

My fault.

It was all my fault.

My fault that Cassius Warrington had done this to my own sister. I couldn't handle the pain he was constantly giving me two years ago when I was just Jade and Miles' age. All because I wasn't strong enough, he had done the exact same thing he done to me to my own sister.

When I was 17, the same age as my siblings, I was still in Hogwarts. I remember the date clearly and what happened. May 15th.

Flashback to May 15th

On May the 15th, I was on my way back to the dungeons when I saw someone in a mask standing next to Cassius. Since I was good friends with the boy, I was curious on who he was with.

"Hey, Cassius, who's this?" I asked him.

"No one." He said with a stern voice.

"Is something wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned him, noticing the look he had on me.

"Everything's perfect. Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, where?"

"Your room."

He led me into my own dorm that I had to myself since my father paid the school for it. Obviously, no one was there and wouldn't be for a long time, hardly ever.

That night, he raped me for the first time and continued to do it until we left Hogwarts. I felt so relieved that day we finally left forever, a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders and I finally felt I could breathe properly again.

End of Flashback

That's why every time Cassius Warrington is ever mentioned, I always act super weird. I get all the memories coming back to my brain, the images from all the terrible nights I had with him.

We used to be greatest of friends, until he done this to me out of nowhere. I haven't ever talked to him since then, I would never want to after what he done to me and now my little sister.

"Charlotte?" Miles noticed how I had completely zoned out and had started shaking and crying silently. "Hey hey.. it's alright, I'm here."

"Jade's not though.. she is the one I need to talk to, Miles." I told him and he grabbed me into a hug, allowing me to cry into his chest.

"She's awake now, that's what we're are all talking about now. Sirius is about to go down there to see her and ask her some stuff, do you want to go too?"

"Yeah.. I need some answers." I wiped my tears and got up, still shaking, luckily my knees didn't give in.

Sirius took me to St Mungo's with him to see Jade, hopefully she would remember what Cassius done to her so I could help her get through it like I did.

When we entered the room, I hated to hear the words someone said to her with their wand pointed to her face.

"Obliviate." A mans voice said from behind a full faced mask, wand pointed at Jade's face and blue sparks left her brain and went into the wand.

The masked man quickly apparated out of the entire building so he wouldn't be caught. Now my sister wouldn't even remember what happened, maybe it was for the best though.

"Jade.." Sirius rushed over to her, I was there before him though and already sat next to Jade, who was very confused.

"How are you feeling?" I asked my sister.

"Shit." She replied which made me smile, it was still the same Jade Evergreen I know.

"Language." Sirius warned, with a slight laugh.

"Sorry." She apologised.

"Now, do you know why you are here, Jade?" I asked my sister.

"No I don't.. I was hoping one of you two do though." She told us.

"Good, you don't remember anything." I sighed with relief that she didn't have to go through the pain.

"Why is it good, what happened?" She questioned us two.

Sirius looked at me, expecting me to answer, but when I didn't he sighed and knew what he had to do.

"You fell and hit your head badly, you then passed out and now your here." Sirius lied, nice cover.

"So when can I get out of here?" She asked another question.

"Now." A nurse entered the room. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, are you her father?"

"Me? N-no, I'm a family friend." Sirius stuttered and went a bit red.

"Alright, well please could you fill this out so that Miss Evergreen can now leave our hospital." The nurse handed him a clipboard and a quill, which he then signed his name on meaning Jade can now come home. "Your allowed to leave any time now then, Miss."

"Thank you, nurse." I thanked the nurse for Jade then helped her get up.

"I'm not a baby, I can get up myself." She said with a laugh.

"Sure." I sarcastically said and took her bag for her before she could even reach to grab it.

"Thank you?" Jade said in a bit of a shock that I was doing this for her.

"Jade go wait in the car." Sirius told her, she nodded then left to get in the car whilst Sirius pulled be behind.

"It's not a good idea to leave her all alone there, Sirius!" I said.

"Wait, don't let anyone know about what Warrington done to her. Please." He said and I nodded.

"Of course, this stays between me, you, Remus and Miles only. Nobody else, we are just lucky that Jade doesn't remember." I said and walked away from Sirius to get in the car with Jade and he followed behind me.

The car ride was spent acting like nothing happened, well that's what Jade was doing. She didn't really have a choice, she was lost and had no idea about the real reason she was in St Mungo's.

A/N: poor Charlotte and Jade..

anyways I'm done for the day, it's now 1:40 and I'm tired to goodnight <3

Word count: 1042

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