•Part three

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warning: small mentions of suicide

You awoke the next day to see George awake but still cuddled up to you, trying not to wake you. He soon noticed you had woke up and his cheeks grew red from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Jade." He whispered, trying not to wake the other two boys who were still passed out in their beds, almost falling off.

"Georgie, you didn't make me uncomfortable don't worry!" You reassured him as he climbed off of you.

"Mind helping Miles get back onto his bed properly?" George asked you, walking towards Fred's body that was half off the bed, his legs on the bed and upper body falling out.

"Sure." You smiled and walked over to your own twin. Miles was somehow upside down, his feet were by his pillow and his arms were falling off the side of his bed.

You carefully moved his arm back onto his bed then places a small pillow by his head, he snuggled up to the new pillow placed near him while you tucked him in again.

Since George was still helping Fred, you decided to help him too. Waking over to the struggling boy, you grabbed Fred's legs and moved them so he could lay without getting hurt as George moved his upper body back onto his bed properly.

"What a workout." He joked and sat in the armchair that was placed in the corner of your room.

"Tell me about it." You joked back and walked over to your nightstand.

"What are you doing?" George asked. You didn't even notice that you had zoned out completely whilst fiddling with a certain ring after putting it on your middle finger.

"Thinking about my mother.. I miss her, George." You admitted and he quickly jumped up then walked over to you.

"I know you do, I'm here for you. I always will be, Jade." He told you and pulled you into a hug, kissing your head.

During the hug, you two hadn't even realised the audience you had. You heard a sudden "aww" from behind you which made you and George quickly pull away from each other's arms.

"Sorry, did we interrupt something?" Fred teased as Miles high-fived him and jumped onto Fred's bed.

"Not at all, is it illegal to comfort your friend now? Jade's upset so I tried to help you with a little hug but you two had to ruin it!" George rolled his eyes in a jokey way then sat with the two boys.

"Miles do you know what day it is tomorrow?" You asked your brother and sat on your bed, facing the boys still.

"Yeah I do." He mumbled.

Tomorrow would be exactly sixteen years since our mother took her own life. The third of July.

"It'll be alright, we are here for you both." Fred told the two and George nodded in agreement.

The entire Weasley family knew about your past, well most of it. You left out the parts about what your father has done to you and Miles, but they know about your mothers death and how she died.

"If you need anyone to talk to, I would say talk to mum. She knows how you feel more than anyone I would say, after our uncles.." George mumbled.

George and Fred hardly knew their uncles, they were three when they died but they still knew them. Molly had insisted on having their middle names after her brother in case anything bad were to happen, and sadly she was correct.

There was an awkward silence in the room which was soon cut off by Sirius' mothers yells about blood-traitors and muggle norms. Gladly, Sirius was able to shut the portrait up to tell everyone that breakfast is ready.

"Hey kiddos, breakfast is ready so head downstairs." Sirius told the four of you and as you all got up, he quickly added something. "Wait, Miles and Jade can I talk to you two?"

You looked at Miles then the two of you nodded, leaving George and Fred to shrug and go downstairs.

"What do you need, Sirius?" Miles asked and sat back down in the armchair while you sat on the arm.

"I want you kids to know that if you need to talk tomorrow or any day, then please don't be afraid to talk to me. I know how it feels to loose someone you love and it can't be easy for you two at such a young age." He told the two of you and you knew automatically that he was talking about his best friends, James and Lily Potter.

"Thank you, Sirius, we both really appreciate it." You told the older man and he pulled you and Miles into a hug.

"I knew your mother, she was one of my greatest friends and even I can't believe she is gone now.. promise me you kids won't think of ever doing that and if you do then at least talk to someone!" He said into the hug.

"We promise." You two said in unison.

"Come on guys, breakfast is getting cold-" a voice appeared in your room and you pulled away from the hug to see Charlotte enter. "I can come back later-"

"Just come here, Char." Miles told our older sister and pulled her into join the hug.

"Remember what I told you kids, now let's go eat breakfast I'm starving!" Sirius ordered and went downstairs, leaving the three siblings alone together.

"He had the same talk with you two, right?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah he did." You laughed slightly then all three of you headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Heard about your little make out session with my brother, Jade." Ginny whispered to you as you took the seat next to her. "I'm only joking, but I know you two were cuddling yesterday. Fred might have showed me a picture."

"I'm gonna kill him." You muttered to the ginger girl next to you and got out of your seat.

"Jade?" Tonks asked, wondering what you were doing.

"You are going to give me that photo, Fred Weasley, so I can rip it into many pieces." You stood in front of Fred and held your hand out.

"Hell no, I need this as evidence that you two are dating!" He quickly swerved past you to grab a glass.

"We aren't dating!" George and you said in unison and both of you shared a look.

Soon enough, there was a chase in action around the table involving you, George and Fred.

"Kids!" Molly yelled, making you three stop in your tracks. "Just sit down and eat. Now!"

Word count: 1111

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