•Part twelve

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Jade Pov

"Jade! Your finally home!" Miles greeted you with a hug the second you, Sirius and Charlotte walked inside.

"Miles, I might need to breathe." You said into the bone crushing hug which made him pull apart from you.

"Char could I talk to you about what the doctors told us?" Miles asked Charlotte while all five of you walked into the kitchen to see everyone else.

"Yeah, let's go somewhere else." Charlotte told him. "I don't want anyone else knowing about this, Miles."

"Agreed." Miles said and followed Charlotte out of the room.

"So your finally back." Fred hugged you. "Do you know what happened that night?"

"What night?" You answered with a question.

"When we found you laying on your bed almost-" Fred started.

"Fred stop, I'm not sure if she wants to know if she can't remember." George stopped him and greeted you with a hug.

"What are you guys even talking about?" You asked in confusion.

"Don't worry, kid." Sirius said and walked past you to talk to Remus and Tonks.

"Right everyone, dinner is ready so eat up." Mrs Weasley said and placed the final plate of food in the middle of the table. "Could someone go and get Charlotte and Miles, tell them it's time for dinner."

You nodded and got up the leave but George stopped you and got up before, making you sit down again with a confused look on your face.

"You need rest, I'll go." George insisted and left the room to find your siblings.

George Pov

I walked up the stairs and headed to Charlotte's room, which was no luck. They weren't in that room, so I then walked upstairs to mine, Fred, Miles and Jade's room to see if they were in there. Luckily, they were.

The entire floor had a silence charm casted on it, so nobody downstairs could hear any of the conversations happening but I could.

I couldn't hear much, just muffled small yells and arguing with the two Evergreen siblings. That was until the door creaked open a bit and I heard something I regret listening to.

"She was raped, Miles! We can't hide that from her anymore, we need to tell her soon!" Charlotte yelled at her brother.

Jade was raped.

That night when I found her, she had just been raped and I had no idea.

I felt sick to my stomach, like I was about to throw up just thinking about how someone had their hands all over her body. How could someone ever be so sick to do that to Jade? Why didn't I see it sooner?

The world around me was shrinking. It was like it was hard for me to even breathe. The only thing I wanted to do, was find whoever did this and make them pay for what they done to Jade.

She done nothing to deserve this, so who would even want to?

"Shit." Miles said after seeing me standing by the door. "Hey George, what- how much of that did you hear?"

"Nothing really, I only just got here." I mumbled. "Mum says it's time for dinner, I'll be downstairs."

"He definitely heard something."

I walked downstairs again and saw everyone, other than Sirius and Remus, smiling and having a great time. If they knew about this too then why aren't they doing anything, especially Sirius.

"You alright, Georgie? You look pretty pale." Mum asked me and walked over to me to feel my face, checking if I was alright.

"Mums right, you look like shit." Fred added from the table.

"Language, Fred." Dad warned him.

"Sorry, dad, but seriously look at his face. Seen a ghost?" Fred teased.

"I'm fine." I said through a clenched jaw.

"Are you sure?" Tonks asked, joining in on our conversation after noticing my state.

"If we should be asking anyone who's fine , it's Jade." I said, now everyone's eyes where on me.

End of George Pov and back to Jade

"What about me?" You asked.

Miles and Charlotte had just come down the stairs, they both looked like shit. Charlotte had tear stains on her face and was pretty shaken up too, slightly shaking as well. Miles looked very pale, like something terrible had just happened.

"What are we talking about?" Miles asked and sat down next to you, kissing the top of your head.

"Go on then, Miles, tell them all." George said.

"Tell them what? What are you talking about, George." Miles asked George.

"Don't play dumb, what were you talking to Charlotte about?" He motioned towards your sister, who had just sat down next to you and checked how you were again.

"Nothing?" Miles said, a big anxious about all the questioned George was asking.

"Bullshit." George said.

"How many times? Language!" Arthur said.

"Sorry." George muttered.

"He knows." Charlotte whispered to Miles, making you have an even more confused look on your face.

"Knows what, what are you guys keeping from me?" You asked.

"Come with me, all you four!" Remus got out of his seat and pointed to Sirius, George, Miles and Charlotte then led them all out of the room.

"That was weird." You said.

"Agreed, now can we eat?" Asked Fred, which made some of you laugh.

"Feel free, the food has been sat there this entire time so go ahead and eat." Mrs Weasley said and took another bite out of her food.

"What! I could have started eating before George started yelling? Why did nobody tell me this." Fred said, already stuffing his face already.

"What do you think they are talking about?" You asked Tonks since she had moved next to you, taking Charlotte's seat knowing they would all be a while.

"Not sure, probably you though." Tonks shrugged.

"Why me?" You questioned the girl.

"Nothing bad I hope, just about the hospital incident and why you got in there in the first place." She replied.

"Hopefully it's just that." You said.

A/N: sorry this chapter has taken longer to publish than others, I've been really busy with school work!

Word count: 1032

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