•Extra Part

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warnings: suicide mentions, death mentions

couldn't resist another chapter, so as promised, the extra part!!!

Jade Pov

"Woah, where am I?" You questioned yourself as it took a minute to adjust your surroundings.

You were in the middle of nowhere, but then you finally recognised the place. Somehow, you were at your house you got for yours and Miles' eighteenth birthday today.

Still looking around and getting used to the front garden, you then saw someone sat on a swinging chair. One of your favourite people.

"There she is." The person smiled and you ran over to them with a huge smile, the person got up just in time for you to hug them tightly.

"I missed you so much." You told her, your mother, who was stroking your hair.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." She said. "Oh and I can't believe that your father done that to you, I am so so sorry for you."

"It's alright, I'm with you now and father isn't in my life anymore. Which is good." You said and pulled away from the hug to sit next to her.

"Come on, everyone has a feeling that this would happen to you since we were watching everything that happened." Your mother now got up and pulled you with her. "We made some early dinner."

"Wait, who is everyone?" You questioned your mother but she just smirked and walked inside, you following her.

The two of you walked together into the dining room where there was multiple people. They all introduced themselves to you, that's when you started recognising the names.

"Everyone, this is my daughter. Jade Jane Evergreen." Your mother smiled and sat down.

"Jane, she is a spitting image of you." Someone with brown hair said to your mother.

"Trust me, I know." Your mother said. "So is Charlotte too!"

"Jade, I'm Hayley and these are my daughters." Someone, not known as Hayley, motioned to two blonde girls sat down next to a brunette girl. "Naomi Willow Lupin and Natalie Willow Lupin."

"Wait? Lupin? As in Remus Lupin?" You asked the three girls.

"Yup." Natalie nodded.

"Then this is James and Lily Potter, that's their daughter too, Brooklyn Potter." Your mother pointed at the couple sat on the other end of the table and the brunette girl next to Naomi and Natalie.

"As you know, that's Cedric Diggory." That's when you noticed the boy, one of your old classmates.

"It's good to see you again, Jade." Cedric gave you a smile.

Apparently, Naomi, Natalie and Brooklyn all went to Hogwarts as well but you had never seen them around. You only used to see Cedric.

"Dorcas and Marlene should be around here somewhere, no clue where though." Your mother told you as you sat next to her.

Conversations filled the room, either separate ones or ones that everyone was involved in.

You found out new things about everyone.

Your mother was one of the Marauder girls along with Lily, Marlene, Dorcas and Hayley. Probably more too but they weren't in the room or dead yet.

Natalie Willow Lupin had apparently went out with Fred for a while, that must be who he was upset about in June because you knew she died in the Triwizard Tournament.

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