•Part ten

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warning: rape mentions

A/N: damn we have like three Pov changes in this part.

George Pov

After we had said our goodbyes to the others, me and Fred had some things we needed to do if we want to buy our shop. Me and him headed into Diagonally to look for some places to open our new shop while the others all went around to do some shopping.

After around three hours, me and Fred finally found the best place for our shop. 93 Diagonally was where we were going to open up.

Everyone met up outside of our new shop then we all headed home together. I couldn't wait to see Jade's face when me and Fred tell her that we finally found a place! She had always been supportive to us two about our shop business and I just knew she would be so happy for the two of us.

I was expecting her to be awake and happy when I walked into our room, anything but this. Jade was laying in her bed in only her underwear and it looked like she was sleeping. I took a closer look and saw that there was red marks all over her body and bruises forming along her arms.

"Jade? Jade!" I yelled and ran over to her, taking my jacket off after feeling how cold she was.

I had no idea how long she was there like that, all I knew is that she was ice cold and hurt. So I wrapped my jacket around her body so she would hopefully warm up and then tried to wake her up, but it was no use.

Jade wouldn't budge. I've got no idea what even happened while we weren't here, but it was certainly not good at all.

"Mum! Help!" I shouted out of the room and my mum came running in.

"What is it? What's wrong with Jade!" She said with worry in her voice.

"I-I don't know, she was here like this when I came in her and was freezing cold so I gave her my jacket-" I started but mum cut me off after feeling her face and noticing how cold she was.

"She needs to be taken to St Mungo's right away!" She said and immediately ran over to her drawers to get some warm clothes out for Jade. "Go get your dad, Remus, Sirius and Tonks right now! Oh and Miles and Charlotte."

Without any hesitation, I ran out the room and all the way to kitchen where everyone was talking.

"It's Jade! Somethings happened to her-" just those words was enough to make the two Evergreen siblings sprint upstairs to see their sister, followed by Remus, Sirius, Tonks, dad and Fred.

I stayed downstairs pacing backwards and forwards until Sirius came running down the stairs with Jade in his arms. She was still 'sleeping' and nobody knew why or how this even started.

The trip to St Mungo's was always short, but when it came to Jade, it was way too long. It was like no time was passing, it didn't help that I was so nervous either.

What if something bad happened to Jade? If someone hurt her then why? Everyone loves Jade..

Finally, we were at St Mungo's and all of us ran inside with Jade still in Sirius' arms. Mum checked us in while Remus and Sirius went into a hospital room with Jade and three doctors.

Sirius Pov

"We need to take some tests to see if anything has happened to Miss Evergreen." A nurse told us which made me even more frustrated.

The three doctors all turned around to start testing Jade whilst me and Moony were sitting there worrying about the safety of her.

"Why aren't they bloody hurrying up!" I said to Moony since the doctors had left the room to get a specific test.

"Sirius.. do you know what test they where talking about using on her?" Moony asked me.

"No, should I?" I asked.

"Hopefully not. They are testing her with a rape test. They think she's been raped, Padfoot." Moony said.

"What!" I yelled and got out of my seat.

Before anyone could say anything else, the doctors came back but this time there was four not three. Without a word from any of them, they pushed me and Remus out of the room and into the waiting room, demanding that we stay there calm.

"This is bullshit!" I said.

"Padfoot.." Moony said in a warning tone.

"No! We should be helping in there and not sitting here waiting for the bad news." I said and threw my head in my hands from the frustration.

"Who was the one that saw Jade first?" Remus asked everyone else.

"I did." George spoke up.

"Tell. Us. Everything." I ordered, not looking up from my hands.

"Well she was just laying there on her bed, it was like she was asleep but she was almost naked. She always sleeps in her clothes." George sighed before carrying on. "When I walked over to her, she was freezing cold.

So I took my jacket off, put it on her, then yelled for mum to help. She came running in and told me we need to take her to St Mungo's and now we are here.." George finished.

Nobody could say anything before four doctors came out of Jade's room with a test in their hand.

"Who here is blood related to Miss Jade Evergreen?" One of the doctors asked us.

"Just us." Charlotte said and motioned to Miles.

"Please come inside." A different doctor told them and they jumped out of their seats then followed them inside Jade's hospital room.

Miles and Charlotte Pov

"Is something wrong with her?" Charlotte asked right as the door shut behind them all.

"Possibly, yes." A nurse said. "We took a test, and found some dna on it of someone else."

"Have any of you two heard of the boy Cassius Warrington?" A doctor asked.

"I-it was his dna.." Miles said with gritted teeth.

"Yes, it was." The same doctor stated.

"The test we took was a rape test, it tells us if the patient has been raped recently and who by." A different nurse said.

"No.." Charlotte said, shocked. "D-don't tell me she got raped by him."

"Yes. Your sister was in fact raped by Cassius Warrington." The nurse said with a sigh.

Word count: 1078

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