•Part eight

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A/N: I forgot to add this small detail, Zion Zabini is Blaise Zabini's older brother, he will be seen in other stories but just this one for now. The other story he appears in will be posted either half way through this one, or after I've finished this story! <3

Dear Jade Evergreen,

You have probably been expecting this since your father had wrote to you, but I am also sure you do not want this. I do not want this to happen since I do love someone else, I am sure you do too.

Maybe, we could possible talk about this some other time when we are actually together and not over a short letter. Please do write back to me.

My father has already insisted on us getting married, not even bothering to ask any of us how we feel about it. I am so sorry that we have to do this, but we will both get the same consequences if we do not get married and I do not want that for you at all.

Write me back soon, please.

Sincerely, Draco Malfoy.

You screwed up the piece of paper in your room and tried to throw it in the bin, but it hit Miles instead making him stop writing to throw his arms in the air.

"What was that for!" He asked angrily and lowered his arms.

"I meant to throw it in the bin, don't get all stroppy with me now." You walked past him to pick the paper up and throw it in the bin properly this time.

"Sorry, it's just the stress that father had put on all of us, it's too much!" Miles complained.

"I know, who are you writing to though?" You asked and grabbed some parchment and a quill to write back to Draco.

"I got the address of Daphne so I'm writing to her, hopefully she actually answers." He sighed and continued to write on the parchment.

"Good luck then, I need to write to my dear husband." You sarcastically said and rolled your eyes before starting to write on your own parchment.

Dear Draco Malfoy,

You are correct, I don't want to do this. But because of the consequences we would both get, then I think we need to do this. We need to get married some time soon.

Again, you are correct, I like someone else but I'm not in love with them like you are with whoever. I have a solution though.

We could still get married, or just have a private wedding ceremony with only our families attending so that we can still have a life where it doesn't involve being a happily married couple. We would be able to see other people, do things that we couldn't if we got married for real.

All we need to do, is make our marriage look believable to our parents, mainly fathers. If you agree with me then please write me back so we can talk about this more, I do think we should meet up and discuss this better though.

Sincerely, Jade Evergreen.

"Right, that's my letter done-" you said and put the letter down, now looking at your twin brother who was now fast asleep with his face on his letter. "Seriously Miles?"

You sighed and got up to get Miles to bed, but he was much stronger than you so he would be heavier than you too. You needed some help.

"Could someone help me get Miles to bed?" You walked out of your room and called down the stairs, but you got startled but someone behind you.

"I can." A voice offered and made you jump. "Oh, sorry."

"It's alright, he fell asleep on his letter so I just need help getting him into his bed so he can sleep for a while." You told Sirius.

"Let's get him to bed then." Sirius said and walked into your room, you followed him.

"I'll take his arms, you take his legs because his feet stink." You said making Sirius laugh.

"Sure then." He said and grabbed Miles' legs from under the table. You grabbed his arms and you both lifter him up and put him down on his bed.

"Don't hold my toe, Fred." Miles groaned in his sleep, you and Sirius looked at him then at each other multiple times before needed to leave the room so you don't wake him up by your laughter.

"Why would he even say that?" You laughed and walked down the stairs with Sirius.

"I've got no clue, but it was bloody funny!" He said and took his usual seat at the table, looking at you again and you both bursted into laughter again.

"What's so funny?" Fred entered the room with some plates in his hand, followed by George and Molly doing the same.

"What is it with Miles' toes, Freddie?" You asked the ginger boy.

"What do you mean?" Fred chuckled slightly.

"Miles fell asleep, we carried him to his bed then he said something in his sleep." Sirius said and started to drink his butter beer so he could try not to laugh at the memory.

"What did he even say, it must be funny?" George said and sat down next to Ron and Ginny.

"No, don't hold my toe Fred." You mocked your twin brother and everyone burst into laughter.

"That makes me remember that dream he had about Tulips thumb!" Charlotte said, making a memory pop into your head from at home with some house elves and your siblings.


Tulip was one of your house elves at your house. He worked in the kitchens where you, Miles and Charlotte always used to go whenever something bad happened or you needed a break from things.

One night after you had been in the kitchens together, you and Charlotte walked past Miles' bedroom door to hear him sleep talking. He said "Tulip gave me her thumb, look at it!"

End of Flashback

The two of you girls burst into laughter at the table again. Everyone had a great dinner, full of laughter and happiness, forgetting about the letters that all the Evergreen siblings had just received.

A/N: notice how I used Tulip, a house elf from my other fan fiction notes

Word count: 1053

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