•Part twenty two

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warning: blood, knife wounds, death


It hurt you so much.

The pain was unimaginable.

Blood was rushing out from your stomach, trailing down your leg, your stomach, everything and straight onto the floor. A pile of your blood was all over the floor, spreading rapidly.

You felt like you would just die right there on the stop, but unfortunately not. The only thing you wanted was for the pain to either leave your body or for the pain to take your life away.

You would do anything for it to just end as soon as possible.

Narrator Pov

"Well we need to find him then." Miles snatched the scroll and found out the location of where Micheal Evergreen had taken Jade.

It was the Evergreen's old basement.

Without a word, only looks, everyone grabbed each other and Remus apparated everyone there.

When they all finally got there, everyone split up to start looking for her. Miles and Charlotte went together, George and Fred did, Mr and Mrs Weasley went to look with each other and then Remus, Sirius and Tonks were looking around separately for Jade.

There was no luck, nobody could find Jade anywhere. Nobody but Miles and Charlotte could any way.

Miles and Charlotte Pov

"Miles.." Charlotte said as she walked inside a room, now immediately shaking and crying.

"Yeah?" Miles walked in and the sight he saw was enough to want to scream. "No.."

"Hey..." Jade whispered as Miles and Charlotte rushed over to her side, she had blood all over her hands and she was clutching her stomach with tear stains all over her face.

"What did they do to you.." Charlotte sobbed and laid Jade down in her arms, stroking her hair.

"Shh, it's alright." Jade reached up and wiped Charlottes new tears away.

"Jade.. how can this be alright?" Miles asked and moved his twin sister hands away, taking his hoodie off and wrapping it around the wound. "Your bleeding everywhere."

"Miles, you need to trust me." Jade reached and cupped Miles' face with one hand. "Everything will be alright in the end."

"We need to get you out of here." Miles said and got up, but Charlotte grabbed his wrist and stopped him from going anywhere.

"We are not leaving Jade alone like this!" Charlotte told him.

"She needs help, look at her!" Miles pointed at Jade, hereyes shutting every now and then from the pain and exhaustion. "She can barley even keep her eyes open, plus that cut is not helping the pain she is in!"

"Stay here then, I'll go get someone." Charlotte said and got up at the same time as Miles rushing over to support his twin, cradling her in his arms.

Charlotte leaves with lots of hesitation to find someone, anyone, to possible help Jade's injures. Miles stayed put, making sure he puts pressure on the wound and trying to comfort his sister.

"Does it hurt?" Miles spoke up and squeezed his sisters hand and tears fell out of his eyes.

"Not anymore." Jade lied, with a smile on her face to maybe try and make her brother feel a tiny bit better.

"Merlin, Jade what has he done to you?" Miles shook his head, in denial and hope that this was all a terrible nightmare.

"Well, other than this cut in my stomach.. I counted nine times, nine stabs in my thigh." She said and moved her arm to show the wounds. "Right above the knee."

"Jade.. you can't say that none of this is hurting you." Miles said.

"I can, because it's true." She shrugged. "It doesn't hurt one bit Miles."

"Your lying, it's so obvious, Jade." Miles chuckled slightly at how bad Jade was at lying to him.

"I'm not Miles." This time she wasn't lying as much, sure it hurt but not as much as it did at first.

Miles and Charlotte had helped her with all this pain, especially with the jumper and how they both took it turns to apply pressure to the knife wound.

"Good, you know I hate it when you lie to me." Miles kissed her forehead.

Charlotte hadn't come back after a while now, the twins could only hear a lot of unfamiliar and familiar voices coming from the other rooms. Miles was cursing to himself under his breath, which made Jade laugh a bit.

It was nice to hear Jade laugh for Miles, he felt like he hadn't in ages but he did earlier this morning. After everything that had happened today, he didn't think she should laugh.

"Where the fuck is our sister with these people?" Miles questioned Jade, hoping to make Jade laugh again.

"Miles.." she whispered as tears flew down and past her cheeks.

"Yeah? Jade it's alright, I'm here for you." Miles said and held her hand even tighter. "Keep holding my hand, if it hurts too much then squeeze my hand please Jade."

"No.. Miles it's not the pain." Jade shook her head, Miles then knew what was going to happen and was sobbing even more.

"No, no Jade you are not leaving me like this." Miles cried. "Your not."

"Miles, shh, it's alright!" Jade cupped his face.

"No Jade it's not.." Miles sobbed.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm free." Jade let out a smile which made Miles cry even more.

"Please don't leave me." Miles begged.

"I have to, it's time." Jade said then coughed. "Look at me, you are going to do great in life without me. I will always be by your side no matter what, you will grow stronger, make a family with the love of your life. You don't need me anymore, I will still always help you out even from the afterlife. I love you so much Miles Micheal Evergreen."

"Jade please don't." Miles sobbed at her words, she was right though.

"Goodbye, my brother."

Her final words.

That's when Jade's eyes shut.


It hit Miles then, his twin sister, his best friend, his everything.. was dead all because of their cruel father.

Miles let out a loud, heart breaking and soul aching scream and cry for help. His sister was dead and he had no idea how to cope now.

Jade's words were playing in his head non stop, she was so right though and Miles hated to admit it.

It would take ages for him, but Miles would eventually move on in life. He would grow stronger after his twins death, it would only make him stronger.

A/N: there will be one last chapter now.

Rest Easy, Jade Jane Evergreen. /*

Word count: 1103

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