•Part fourteen

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Ever since you had found out about what actually happened that night and why you were in hospital, you had been avoiding everyone you thought knew and didn't tell you.

George, Sirius, Remus and even Miles and Charlotte, your own family, your blood. The five had been constantly trying to talk to you for around a month and maybe two weeks. It was now the 28th of October and none of them had any luck, you were even taking to Ginny more than them and she was all the way at Hogwarts.

Ginny still didn't know about what happened to you as far as you knew, and hopefully it would stay that way. You didn't want your best friend to be worrying about you while she had to worry about school work. It would be too much pressure and stress on the both of you.

Miles couldn't help but feel guilty. He failed his sister, that was something he would never forgive himself for. He hated himself for what he done to you, he couldn't protect you or Charlotte from the same person.

Charlotte felt even more guilty. She couldn't protect herself from this exact thing in the past so how could she even attempt to protect you without it failing?

George was trying to avoid you, knowing that he couldn't be able to face you without feeling terrible that this entire thing happened.

Sirius and Remus were fine though with you and you were fine with then since they had apologised but nobody else did.

Nobody other than you, Charlotte, Miles, George, Remus and Sirius knew and you were all planning on keeping it that way. Hopefully you could all keep this big secret for your sake not theirs. 

"Kids! Time for breakfast, come down here for food and mail!" A voice yelled from the kitchen, making you put your book that you were reading down on your bed and get up.

"Jade, can we talk now-" Miles asked you but you just walked past him and downstairs, still mad that he didn't tell you about what happened to yourself. "I guess not."

He sighed and followed your downstairs to see everyone. As you both got down there, you saw some owls dropping letters and even a few parcels for people. Taking your usual seat at the table, Mrs Weasley handed you and Miles both a small parcel and two letters.

"Those," She motioned to your mail. "Are for your birthday next week, don't open them until the thirty first."

With everything that was going on and changing in your life right now, you and Miles both forgot about your birthday. October 31st.

"Oh yeah." You mumbled and took a bite out of a pancake at the same time as Miles, who took a bite out of his waffle instead.

"Oh come on, are you two not excited at all for your birthday?" Sirius asked you and your twin brother.

"I know I'm not." You admitted and took another bite of your pancake.

"Neither am I, it doesn't feel the same this year." Miles sighed before whispering something to himself but you could still hear. "Especially not when me and my sister both hate me."

Without a word, but with a sigh, you got up and grabbed Miles' arm, pulling him out of the room and straight up the stairs towards your room. You sat down on your bed with Miles questioning your actions.

"Why did you just drag me in here, I was in the middle of eating my waffle?" He questioned you and sat down next to you, fiddling with his finger nails.

"Why did you say that? You know for a fact that I don't hate you." You looked him in the eye. "I'm just pissed right now, at all of you, for not telling me sooner."

"That's the thing though. I could have told you that you got raped-" he cringed at his own words. "Sooner, but I didn't."

"Miles-" you started but your brother interrupted you.

"Do you remember that promise we made when we were around four or five?" He asked you, with some tears forming in his eyes, you nodded. "I made that promise to you, and I broke it too."

"Miles nobody knew that this would happen to me, to anyone, how could you possibly break that promise!?" You questioned him back, which made his tears fall.

"Because your my sister, I promised you I would protect you and Charlotte but I failed both of you!" Miles stood up.

"How did you fail either one of us, if anything you have protected both of us from anything that could happen in this shit world!" You stood up, now face to face with your brother.

"No, I only kept you two safe from one thing, one." He put one finger up.

"And what would that be?" You questioned.

"Father. I kept you two away from him as much as I could and somehow I managed to do that." Miles answered.

"Alright, Miles stop." You sighed and sat down again. "Stop acting like you failed us and that your the worst brother ever. Yeah you can be a dick sometimes but you are my best friend not just my brother and I love you. You've helped me through everything my entire life, I would never trade you for anything or even stop loving you no matter what happens in our life."

"Jade, I don't know what to say." Miles laughed and you hugged him, both of you with tears down your face. "I love you, your my sister and I would never trade you for anyone."

"Not even Charlotte?" You looked up into his eyes, still in his arms.

"Not even Charlotte." He confirmed, you both laughed before Miles said something else. "Just don't tell Char I said that."

You both laughed again and then he asked you something else.

"Are we alright then?" He questioned.

"Of course we are. I was just mad that none of you told me that I got raped." You answered. "Plus you were also taking bad about yourself and you know for a fact I hate that."

"I know, I won't anymore." He told you.

"Promise?" You held your pinky out.

"Promise." He connected his pinky with yours.

A/N: just a bit about Miles and Jade's relationship! sorry this chapter took a while to come out, I've been dealing with some stuff and I've been very stressed lately!

also, I posted an extra chapter on my other story that is completed called notes and it has a rather big spoiler for this story! so only read that if you want to actually know the spoiler <3

Word count: 1123

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