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Just some quick information, PLEASE READ:
Constructive criticism is WANTED. English is not my native language, but I have just finished this book and really wanted to translate it, so that i could practice my English and maybe give you guys a nice story. (my other readers apparently really liked it, soo. It isn't the best Story/Crossover you can find, but i think it might be a nice read and you can chill out while imagining that our favorite heroes meet, actually in a realistic way, as close to the books/movies as possible.)

Please point out grammar or spelling mistakes so that I can correct those to make the writing more enjoyable, i guess. But if it is just some typo bc of the keyboard (i still am grateful if someone points it out, tho) it might not be corrected immediately, i hope you understand.

The Trials of Apollo won't be happening here, but i included the books in a way. The plot here is quite chill, because I wanted the story to be as "realistic" as possible- no bloodbending Percy, he isn't the one who killed Gaia single handedly, and no return of Kronos or Gaia. The Heroes of Olympus ending is canon; no one is dead (well, except Leo, in a way), and we start where it left us.

WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier won't be happening either as i started to write this story before both shows were released.

And I'm sorry if some things wouldn't quite work out in real life (like time it takes to go to school or something, or if i mess up the school system) i'm not really familiar with the American system but the story will still make sense if some "America-facts" aren't so accurate. Please bare with me :)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Percy's pov:

Breathe. She won't kill you.

I knocked, and seconds later a woman with brown hair and kind blue eyes opened the door.

The moment she saw me, she stiffened. "Percy?," she whispered and pulled me into a very firm hug. Seriously, her hold on me was almost as painful as Tyson's. But I didn't care.

I could feel my eyes getting wet and returned the hug with the same force. "Hey, Mom."

"Oh, boy," Sally Jackson sobbed repeatedly. She lessened her grip on me and glanced at me from head to toe, before squeezing me once again. "You've grown... I missed you so much!"

I kissed her on the cheek. "I missed you too, Mom, I missed you, too." My voice cracked.

With a final sob Mom let go of me. "I thought who-knows-what happened to you!"

"I know."

She smiled softly. "Come in."

She didn't have to tell me twice. My stepfather, Paul, was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Once he saw me he jumped on his feet with a surprised "Percy!" and pulled me into a hug as well. Paul was cool, but we'd never hugged before. Still, I thought it was a great moment to start.

"We were so worried!," he told me when he let go.

"I know," I repeated. "I'm sorry."

"Don't talk nonsense. You're back and that's all that matters."

"He's right," my mother chimed in. "But you still have to tell us everything! I'm getting the Cookies..."

With a wink she disappeared into the kitchen, only to return seconds later with a plate of Cookies in her hands.

We sat down on the sofa, the Cookies on the table in front of us, and my mother stared at me expectantly. "So?"

I sighed and started to tell my parents everything that happened, while paying special attention to make the dangerous stuff sound more harmless.

(Not) An Almost Normal Life (A Percy Jackson-Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now